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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Italy and Greece Adventure: Saturday 6/18/11

8:38 am (Italy Time)
Bus from Mediterranean Sea to Florence
Last night's dinner was HUGE and wonderful- I wasn't really hungry for breakfast, but I packed a lunch with what I didn't eat at breakfast.
Right now we're listening to another one bites the dust on the radio- Brie would be happy. (Then we listened to Queen xD)

10:25 am (Italy Time)
Cinque Terra stop 1
I got a postcard while I was here! I <3 postcards. I can't wait until the rain we will go on soon. I didn't have a chance to go to the hello kitty store yesterday, but that's okay because I got gelato instead. Apparently here at the cinque terra (stop 1) they have nutella flavored gelato. That's just fantastic. Sometime I will have to find another store with it and buy some.

1:14 pm (Italy Time)
Cinque Terra stop 2
Just had espresso, the cups are tiny but they carry so much caffiene. I bought something called 'nutella to go' also. I've found something they need in the U.S. It's like pocky, but instead of chocolate, it's nutella and it has tea with it, too. All in one containter. It's great.

Daily Food List

  • Day 2 Dinner- Lasagna, pasta, pork and potatoes, fruit, salad, black raspberry gelato
  • Day 3 breakfast- bread, orange juice
  • Day 3 lunch- croissant, peach jelly, strawberry and lemon gelato, espresso
11:14pm (Italy Time)
Hotel in Florence
Took the train back to our bus, drove to Florence, toured the city and went to dinner at a pizzaria, came back to the hotel, went on another mini-tour and gelato stop with Michelle, Amy, Rebecca, Zac E, and Michael F. Back at the hotel now, Rebecca braided my hair because she was bored. Olivia is our other roommate tonight (my roommates were Olivia and Rebecca this time, in other words.) Olivia wants me to draw a picture of her, so I should start a base for that. I'm rushing because I'm kind-of sleepy. Goodnight.

Shopping List (updated throughout the trip, this is the final)
Mom- Mask (check)
Dad- Coke water bottle, because I broke his that I brought with (check)
Sue- thimble (check)
Bethy- Pins, beads left those at a restaurant, necklace (check)
Cassie G- Tricolore pasta (check)
Grandma Moffit- Scarf (check)
Grandpa Moffit- Truffle Oil (check)
Grandma Bice- Italia Bag (check)
Grandpa Bice- get something in Greece
Me- Postcards!!! Cat Purse! Necklace? (check)
Rae- Get something in Greece!

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