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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Talent Show Clips

I've got the clips I filmed at my school's talent show finished!

Part 1

Part 2


Saturday, May 22, 2010

This Crazy Life

I have been having a crazy busy week and then I end it with this. Best way to cheer someone up is to have a good time ^-^

~Haley Bice

Friday, May 14, 2010


My birthday is ten days from now! Woot woot.
the theater of Haley's mind: (that phrase blatantly stolen from OHSHC)

Reader: "Haley, what do you want for your birthday?"
Response: "Who are you and how do you know my birthday is coming up?"
Reader: "I read your blog!"
Response: "So, you're the one person who isn't someone I know. In that case... I want money."


Yes. That's what I've been telling everyone. (Including strangers, apparently.) I need money for my Latin trip to Italy and Greece next year... so I've been begging for cash from everyone I know. Well, except my friends, since I know they're broke, too. I ask for cake from them. After all, the 24th is international give Haley cake day!

I'm excited for my birthday, though, because my physics class is going to valley fair! And I'm bringing a slinky! (That's an inside joke with somebody I met on Deviantart!)

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