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Monday, June 30, 2008

Wow, I have GOT to go on here more... or do I? (I do.)

I'm so very sorry I haven't posted in what must seem like forever. (Woah. I'm sorry, that was way too proper sounding.) I haven't been that busy, just lazy.

I'm still addicted to the gamecube, more so than the computer lately. Chibi Robo and Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life have been calling out to me like ghosts! Ahhhh! "You must play us or we'll eat your soul!" See what I have to deal with?

Yesterday I went to Lake City for water-ski days. I never stay for the parade... or the waterskiing... mostly for the cheese curds, mini doughnuts (spell check?) and craft stuff.
I bought this awesome skirt from a Native American clothing place. It is SO cute. I'll have to put a picture of it on here later. It's velvety, but easily worn in the summer, too. It's amazing!

I just woke up... ah, the joys of summer! I can wake up around the time I would be eating lunch at school! I had 4th period lunch- at 10:30 so I would probably be in Biology right now... but still...

I really want my school schedule. I love the summer, but I love knowing what I'm going to do in the school year... not actually going, but figuring out which friends are in which class. It is great fun! I'm a nerd, I know it.

Right now my schedule is:
the 'rents have the day off on Thursday and Friday
American Independence Day is Friday
SOS starts next week- I have no idea what I'm doing each day, though.

It worries me when I have no idea what is going on. Even if I like the relaxation part, the no-schedule part annoys me... a lot.

See ya,

Friday, June 27, 2008

Mini Blog: wow, I've had a lot of these lately...

I must be having summer laziness craze. I haven't had an actual blog in what seems like forever...

BB is over today. She was over yesterday, too.

I don't have much to talk about though.

See ya,

Edit: Later she had too much junk food and got sick, so she had to go home earlier than expected. She didn't have much sleep the night before, either.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Mini Blog: Attack of the show... or is it?

I am really bored... I'm watching attack of the show on TV while blogging, reading Cathy's Key (next book in Cathy's Book series,) reading my e-mail, and gaia-ing...

I am so going roller blading later. I need to do something besides sit here.

See ya,

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Mini Blog: Summer ...or is it? (it is)

I have very little to talk about... it's summer: the time I do nothing, but actually have time to blog. This sucks, but it's better than school I suppose. Where I do stuff I would love to blog about, but don't have time.

BB is coming over on Friday. That's really all I have to say... wow, I'm boring today...

I'll see ya,

Monday, June 23, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

I am SO busy.

I went to the dentist at 9:00.
I got my vision test for my permit, and then got my temporary permit until the perminant (spell check) one comes in.
I went to the orthodontist at 11:00 for my yearly, until the wisdom teeth come in, check-up, and had an x-ray of the mouth taken there so the dentist could look at it. (got out of there at 11:02)
Went to bestbuy to get some music and a gamecube-game controller for the wii. Edit: the "gamecube game controller" for the wii, is not actually compatible with game cube games.
Added the "Get Smart" Soundtrack to my ipod.
Brought back Among the Free to the library.
I went for lunch with my parents at Rochesterfest. I had a hot dog, a mountain dew and Mini Donuts. I was filmed buying those Mini Donuts, actually. (there were a ton, I still have some left over) I'm not sure if I'll actually be on TV, but I hope so. Then I will be in all of my friends houses that are too lazy to get out of bed and change the TV channel from the news to cartoons or something. (You'd be suprised by how many of my friends that includes)

Next week is the week of July 4th! That means American Independence Day! YAY fireworks!
The week after that I start SOS (Summer Of Service) as a TLT (Team-Leader-in-Training)
Then after those two weeks I'll be a participant in SOS
Then I start a job at my mom's work (filing papers and copying stuff I'm not allowed to look at, blah de-blah de-blah...) My mom is the "team lead for accounting at Think Bank" boring.

I have no time for relaxation this summer. Oh well at least I have this and next week.

See ya,

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Mini Blog: Get Smart! ...or should you?

I'm going to go see "get smart" this afternoon.... weeeeeee....

I finished reading among the free late last night so I'm a bit tired. I hope I don't fall asleep during the movie. My life is exciting, isn't it. *sarcasm*

When I actually have time to blog, I have nothing to blog about! Ugh! Rochester-fest starts today I think.

I'll see you later,

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Summer Reading (cont.)

I finished pennys from heaven. I am going to read among the free tomorrow, since I got it from the library.

Some new books to read this summer (for my american studies class) are:
Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Crucible by Arthur Miller
Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams
A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hanesbury

That's all I have to say.
Cya, Haley

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mini Blog: The D-List... or is it?

I've got absolutely (spell check) nothing to talk about. I'm watching Kathy Griffin on Bravo while I should be studying for Drivers Ed. So tired... falling asleep... Mom & Dad are going to a Twins game and my grandparents will drive me to class. I don't really mind that I'm not going, I don't watch it anyway, I just go for the awesome food. I just would rather go there than Drivers Ed.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Summer Reading

I've been reading a lot this school year, but not as much this summer. It's, like, opposite my usual routine. I'm so going to barns and noble and the library today. I need to finish this huge list of books I need to read (below) that is on my palm pilot along with the two times paul "stole" it and wrote a ton of messages and the time Ellie took it also.-

Girl v. Boy by Yvonne Collins
(done) Among the Free (like, 7th, or something, in this series) by Margaret Peterson Haddix
(done)Penny From Heaven by Jennifer L. Holm
The Lost Queen (2nd in this series) by Frewin Jones
(bought)The third book in the Molly Moon series
(done)Princess Ben by Catherine Murdock
(done)Generation Dead by Daniel Waters
The Prophet of Yonwood (3rd in city of ember series)by Jeanne DuPrau
(done)2nd in the Cathy's Book series
(done)Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer

Books that aren't out yet:
GG3 by Ally Carter
Secrets of My Hollywood Life: Paparazzi Princess (3rd in secrets... series) by Jen Calonita

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I was just being lazy, I have no real reason for not posting.

See ya,

Edit: I will be changing this list as time goes on. Just to keep myself updated on the whole book thing. (That's why it says "bought" next to breaking dawn)

Edit # 2: Yes, that's right, I finished ALL of the books that I bought above... that means I still have to read the ones for school, and the ones I didn't buy. But it's an improvement.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Mini Blog: blanking out

Gotta go to drivers ed soon, blanking out about what to type. Gotta go.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Fathers Day!

I got my dad wind chimes with the chimy thing that lights up, a t-shirt that says "I'm the dad, assume I know everything," and a sign for his workshop made out of a piece of wood that looks like a circular saw blade. I also gave him the honour of putting him on my blog! Happy Father's Day!

I am really excited! Why? I passed all of my finals and don't have to go to summer school! The internet is sort-of working again! Umm... I found some sims 2 cheat codes! Chapter 124 of my favorite online fanfiction, the hogwarts blog, has been posted... ummm... I'm sure I can think of more exciting things... It hasn't flooded here yet! It's not raining today! I don't have drivers training today! Yeah... weeee!

I went to Owatonna yesterday to see my grandparents and go to my cousin's grad party. My grandpa got his fathers day card then and my thank-you-for-the-birthday-money card...

I added the new blog list thingie on the right. I'll add more blogs I visit eventually, those are just the main ones.

Shoot, the other internet page froze. I do NOT like charter. I almost lost this page cause it closed both internet pages after "not responding" ugh.

Talk to ya later,

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Mini Blog: So busy..

leaving for owatonna in a minute, just thought I'd let you know I'm alive.

Congrats to Ally Carter for finishing rough draft #3!

thats it,

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Mini Blog: The fooey internet is bugging me... or is it?

I haven't been able to post lately because, once again, the internet has gone fooey. The computer went fooey for a bit, too. I think I've got it fixed, though. I have at least 500 e-mails to look at since I haven't been on in a couple of days.

Yesterday was one of my few days of the summer to relax, besides having drivers training from 6 to 9, I mean. Today, though, was not. I went to Summer of Service set-up from 8 am to around noon. It was going to go 'til 4, but we got done faster than expected. Tomorrow BB is coming over from 7 am to 5. I won't have much time off until the first week of July. Then I have SOS until the second week of August.

I'm really busy and tired, I'm going to sleep.

Monday, June 9, 2008

I plan on typing a lot today... or do I? (I do)

I can type from now until 6:30 pm so this should be a super long blog, hopefully.

Tomorrow I am going to my mom's cousin's funeral. He committed suicide. I didn't know him well. I knew his brother a bit better though. His brother committed suicide, too. So I'm thinking it runs in our family. I have a bit of depression but it never gets bad enough to the point of suicide so I don't have to take meds for it. This is a depressing subject, I'm moving on.

It's Monday, which normally would suck except: it's the first Monday of summer vacation! I think I've mentioned before how instead of getting tired on Mondays, I get tired on Fridays. Well, I learned it's not so much that I get tired on Fridays it's just I have extra time to sleep on the weekends and I don't on the weekdays, so by Friday I'm really tired out because I have had little sleep.

I've decided I need to quit getting addicted to things as to recover from my current addictions. I'm addicted to the sims 2 pets for the computer. I'd been playing it for three days straight when the internet was out and my DS ran out of power. Now I've been on EA's website downloading tons of stuff from the exchange. I am officially even more of a nerd.

I was addicted to Gaia Online for a while, but I haven't been active in the groups or in the forums lately. I collect the daily chance every day, that's it! What's a girl to do when she is addicted to so many things...?

I also have an MSN icon (also known as avatar) addiction. I have a photobucket album full (1000 icons) and another with around 5oo. If you need any you've come to the right place. I think I can merge the first into the second now that photobucket holds more images, but I'm too lazy and I've already put the links on the numbers above.

I have a myspace, facebook, and blogger addiction, too. I put them all in one category because I do the same thing in all of them: rant about myself and the world around me. To you, to my friends, to... ummm... myself?

I know I have a problem with addictions to various things, that's the first step to recovery, folks!

I don't know what else to type... I'll think of something tomorrow... I'm going to play the sims while on Gaia and getting icons for my photobucket.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Super Blog... or is it?

The internet has been suckish to me lately. I think it felt sad I was ignoring it for finals. I kept trying to go online to blog and it wouldn't let me. Finally, it forgave me, but I only have less than half an hour before I go shopping for fathers day! This is how SUPER BLOG was born! It is not a mini blog, mini blogs are short. Super blogs are the same length as regular blogs in only half the time, and half the editing, usually.

I have been playing a lot of video games lately because we had our carpet cleaned and the internet has been down. The TV had to be moved so the people could clean our carpet. Not that I watch a lot of TV anyway, it's just my second choice to the internet. My third is obviously video games (on the DS, laptop, and game cube.) The wii is upstairs where we had our carpet cleaned... so I would have chosen that instead of the game cube normally. I'm obviously a nintendo fan.

Meep! It's almost time to go! Super Blog has to be faster at saving the day next time...

And the day is saved, thanks to super blog!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Finally! ...or is it?

It's finally over! I am a sophmore now... if I didn't fail anything. I think I didn't. I hope I didn't. Man I hate second guess Thursday. Oh well, at least tomorrow is I-don't-care Friday.

I got out at 12 after testing, but the internet wasn't working, otherwise I would have posted sooner.

Today I didn't do much, English and world history final, no big... anymore. I didn't plan on doing much this week actually.

I have to tell you what I'm doing right now!
I'm Google-ing to find out if the city of ember has another sequel besides that one about sparks, listening to Tunak (a drama club dance/tradition/thing to scare the freshmen with, its an amazing song), reading my e-mail, Gaia-ing, blogging, facebooking, looking at hoops and yoyo's e-cards, and thinking about how I am such a great multi tasker! I am aren't I?

If anyone is out there reading this in blog land please let me know how you multi-task... and also how to improve the blog or any other random things you want to comment about! That would be great, I love comments!

I may sound a little too hyper, it's from sleep deprivation, no need to worry.

see ya,

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Mini Blog: Tomorrow...or is it?

I have had so many mini blogs lately because of the whole gotta study for finals, thingie.... but there is some good news:
Tomorrow is our last day of school! Hooray! I am almost done with finals! I'll get to do full blogs again!

but wait! Then I get 3 days off until drivers training... yuck.
At least I'll have time to blog during the day...

So... I've been very obsessed with hoops and yoyo from hallmark lately... and it is officially sarcastic wednesday. (Google hoops and yoyo and look at their e-cards for work and school)
I am SO happy it's sarcastic wednesday. Tomorrow is second guess thursday which will be so GREAT. Ugh. This week just gets better and better.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Mini Blog: *humph*

That's right, *humph*

Finals are tomorrow, I have to wait an extra 3 weeks until I actually get to enjoy summer vacay (thank-you drivers training) and the only good news is: open campus lunches. wee. *sarcasm* I just end up walking to my house for lunch these three days anyway...

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Mini Blog: It's Hot in Minnesota. It Really is.

Yuck, it's like 80 degrees out here. I'm still studying, but now I can wish I was getting all sun-tanny and sweaty while doing it. Great. *sarcasm*. Yesterday it was mostly raining so I only had myself to blame for not studying much. Today I wish I studyed yesterday so I could hang out today.

Now a break from blogging for Latin noun endings!
1st declension
Singular: a, ae, am, a with a line over it,
Plural: ae, is, as, is
weeee, studying...

Yeah, I need to memorize stuff like that.

I'd better get back to it,

P.S. I got my first blog comment yesterday! I'm not sure if it was nice or not, but I don't really care! I like knowing I'm not the only one sitting here reading my posts ('cause that would be like talking to myself...)

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