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Thursday, October 30, 2008

90th post!

Yes, it's my 90th post! I never thought I would make it this far. I usually quit around 10 on blogs, so this is a very special day!

If you're wondering how I can blog so early it's because I'm home sick again today. I was sick yesterday too.

Random Haley Fact of the week: I have a wall in my room dedicated to pictures from friends. I will post a picture of it here eventually (along with that picture of my desk that I promised.) I guess not the entire wall is filled with pictures from friends, I made some too. There are some professional pictures and some cartoons, too.
Another fact I feel like including- I already have my christmas list started. I start it now, because everything is cheaper. I'm not trying to sound greedy, because I'm really not. I just would rather get a present than nothing, even if it is just a sweater.

Teen update: Myspace has added this thing (that facebook already had- and is easier to use) where you can find friends you might know. Facebook's version is easier because you don't have to leave the page.

I'm going to take a nap since I didn't get much sleep.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mini Blog: Latin

I'm doing latin homework. Suprise, suprise.
I'm also planning what to do for halloween on the phone with BB.
I'll talk to you guys later.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Super Blog: Citrus Green Tea and Cheeto Puffs

That's my supper right there, amazing I know... It's leftovers night, so this is what I'm having :)

Teen update: There's a bunch of new stuff on the stephenie meyer website, you should really go see if you're a fan. I won't tell you what it is, I don't want to ruin it, but it is really awesome!
Gaia's beta testing for zOMG is almost done, we still have some work to do, but we're getting close.

Random Haley Fact of the week: There's this really cool button on thing du jour and I was thinking- I have a button like that. My mom gave it to me, it says "are we having fun yet?" it's very cool.

That's all for now,

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Mini Blog: I survived church camp!

Well, almost. I slammed my thumb in the inner cabin door, but that's ok. I would tell you about more about camp, but I forgot about some homework I needed to get done for Tuesday. What else is new?

If you REALLY need to know about it check out the CYE website. I may post the link later... once I find it.

Sincerly (spell check),

Friday, October 17, 2008

Mini Blog: Church Camp

So... I'm going to start on the road to church camp in about 2 hours. (No need to worry- I'm not actually driving) I can't wait! It's in Alexandria so it'll take us a while to get there, and I won't get to blog for a while. (No technology there, at all. They take it until you leave.) I will blog about it when I get back for sure, though. EEEK! I'm so excited! There are a few downsides, but those I can deal with... I think (no technology for 2 1/2 days won't kill me... right? RIGHT?)

I hope I finished all of my homework. I won't have much time to do it when I get back...

I'll miss all of you! All...umm... 2 of you that read this! Really, I will.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mini Blog: Logic worksheets are fun!

Yes, that's what I said. I like logic worksheets. Especially when they're math assignments!

I'm gonna do that now!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


MEA, otherwise known as the Minnesota Education Association is kind enough to give us thursday and friday off... so the teachers, if they so choose to, can go to a conference in the twin cities. Which means I get a couple days to myself before leaving for Alexandria!

No, I'm not moving. Theres a church youth event in Alexandria from friday until sunday. So no blogging for me :(
It's ok, though. I have to do homework anyway.

In other news, the new twilight trailor is out!
Twilight HD Exclusive Trailer

Edit: if it doesn't load for you, go to stephenie meyer's website for the link. It works better there.

The end :D

Monday, October 13, 2008

Mini Blog: Nick and Nora cont.

Yes I agree with my comment-person-lady, there were some "yucky" parts, but I'm a part of my high school's "outcast" group (which is actually a really large group) and we get past the yucky parts easily.

I finished my homework (shocker) and I'm gonna leave now for no apparent reason.
So you don't get lonely while I'm gone... *points* look a distraction!


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Super Blog: Nick and Norah

I haven't done a super blog in a while, so I thought I would post what it is. A super blog is a normal blog done in half the time. Forgive the typos!

I just went to see Nick and Norah's Infinate Playlist. BEST TEEN MOVIE EVER. Period. End of sentence. Done. Over with. I am seriously getting this soundtrack, it was amazing!

Now it's time for a... What is Haley Doing? Update:
I'm doing my math homework and Latin homework at the same time. Along with all of my most common addictions. Read the past blog about addictions if you think I'm like a druggie or something, because I'm totally not. Although I'm probably as insane as one. (Total fragmented sentence! Yay super blog!)

Addiction information: I'm a zOMG beta tester on gaia, but I have no idea what the game looks like. Stupid testing 104s...
I'll have to go on when everything is not screwy-beta-testy.

It's only been a minute and I got my blogging fill for the day. I'll see if I can make the super blog longer next time. See ya!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mini Blog: Neopia

I've come to once again love neopia! I have no homework right now, so I am neopeting it up.

Next I'm gonna play the sims!


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Mini Blog: 80th Post!

It's the 80th post!
I'm watching gilmore girls and doing math homework.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Mini Blog: Dance

The dance was great, but it lasted until 11:00. I slept until 11:30. I'm so tired...

I still have to do my american studies homework, ugh.

I'll talk to you later,

Saturday, October 4, 2008


We lost our homecoming game against Owatonna, they were really good. I had a lot of fun before and during the game though.
We had a parade and got lotsa candy and watched random videos at my house and stuff. There were like 10 people helping me get a football -If I don't get one I get banned from the family for a year... just kidding, but I do get in trouble.
At the game we played Egyptian Rat Screw (the card game) on the ground, then we went and had food and sat on the bleachers.
We were sitting between the band and the tailgaters (spell check.) There was little room and people were sitting on each others' laps. It was actually warmer that way though.

Kay is coming over and we're going duct tape shopping. It's a techie thing... Plus we know someones dress is going to break and we're going to be life savers.
We're going to a pre-party at bethie-san's. Then to the homecoming dance. I don't have a date, but it should still be fun, right?

I should plug my laptop in, it's battery is dying. Bye!

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