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Monday, February 22, 2010

English Project Video

Here's a video for an upcoming music project for English. Yes, I drew the pictures on here. No, the video won't make sense without the words included- but it has good music anyway.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Deviant Update: Post Number 180 and New Schedule

Yay! This is my 180th post! It's getting closer and closer to number 200! I really want something special for the occasion, but I have no idea what to do for it...

(Below is copied right from Deviantart, because I'm lazy and have homework :P)
It's a new semester in school and my classes are actually pretty nice.
Class Schedule:
1. Apella- like study hall, except you can walk around the school. I live close enough that I just sleep in most of the time...
2. English with Brock- Amazing class, I sit near people I know, and not next to my annoying friend in that class. (*ahem* Raelynn *ahem*)
3. Teachers Aide for Milburn- Don't do much, but it's kinda fun. I get to see my sophmore buddies that I normally don't see in school since I'm a junior.
4. Latin with Sassenberg- I have this class with cassi and a bunch of other awesome people. This class is always my favorite, even if it is really difficult. It's hard to describe the awesomeness if you aren't in the class.
5. Lunch- self-explanatory. Not as awesome as the lunch of epicness last semester, but I've still got a bunch of friends in it.
6. Algebra 2 with Norman- SOOOO much better than Baumann. I just can't get over how much better this class is. ^-^ Plus my family has known Norman for years... which is kind-of awkward, but if you have a family like mine where everybody knows someone, then you get used to it.
7. Economics with Terpstra- I have this class with Bethany and a few other people. I like this class so much! Maybe not the subject matter, but definitely the people in it!
8. Physics with Grafstrom- The annoying classmate (*ahem* Raelynn *ahem*) I meantioned before sits behind me in this class, so it gets annoying sometimes... but Grafstrom is cool and I have a couple of other friends in this class so it's bearable for the rest of the year I guess.

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