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Monday, February 23, 2009

Mini Blog: Another Comment!

Di Immortales! (Heavens above in Latin- see I learn things!) It is a good day because I got another comment on my blog! Thanks much to Carmen!

Anyway, I got home early from drama because of "spartan night." Basically all of the schools clubs show of their skills to the incoming freshmen. I'm off the hook for now...

I still have to eat, though. Now, actually, is dinner time. So I'm sorry but I've gotta go.


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mini Blog: Naked Juice

I really like Naked Juice... and girl scout cookies... and fruit roll ups. All of which I have just finished having.

I really wish I could blog more, however I'm trying to gain some sleep as Hockey has just ended and the tech-drama season begins. Hockey ended yesterday as we lost the section finals and tech rehersal starts this coming week. God, I can't wait for this awesomeness!


Friday, February 20, 2009

Mini Blog: Iced Tea

I've never said this before, but I'm in love with iced tea. It keeps me alive, practically.

I've got homework and junk to do, so I can't make this a full blog. I just wanted to say I'm here, I like iced tea, and I've gotta go.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mini Blog: same old, same old.

I'm here. I'm doing Latin homework. I know I need to stop using that as an excuse. I gotta go.


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Mini Blog: super bowl.

Yeah, I'm watching the super bowl... now normally you wouldn't catch me within 5 miles of a TV with a football game on. Honestly, I'm not interested in the football game on right now anyway, but I AM interested in the commercials. So, here I am, on my laptop during the game, watching tv for the commercials.
Yay for my american-ism!


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