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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mini Blog: 50th Post!

Yup, it's my 50th post. Hoo-rah! in celebration I'm giving you each 1000 e-smiles! That's a lot of smiling folks!

I went canoe-ing this morning and played cards at shorewood in the afternoon. It was great!

I went to the fair for dinner and got attacked with water balloons. I had cheese curds though, so everything worked out. My friend Chelsea Palmer did pretty well with her horse.

That's all I have for now... gotta go,

Friday, July 25, 2008

Mini Blog: MOA Today!

Time for a super-short mini blog about what I did today!

I went to MOA for the third time in two weeks. I still remember when it was camp snoopy *sniffle* it's not as cool now, but it's very much updated and safer I guess... Stupid nickleodian (spell check) I don't even know half the names of the rides. I don't watch TV!

I really don't have much more excitement... other than I got arm socks from claires and nail polish and a gir shirt from hot topic! Those bags look so weird together!

That's all right now,

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Bloggishness & SOS

I frequently end words with -ness. Something you should know...

Today at SOS I stacked sitcks and vaccumed upstairs in the mirical (spell check) lodge at ironwood springs. While I was there I also picked up weeds and broomed a deck-like-thing and got a freezee and a cookie!
I layed sod today for habitat for humanity. With 5 other teams. All on 1 bus. Smelly.
We got DQ though, so... totally worth it. I had an arctic rush grape-like-thing with ice cream!

Then, when I got home, I took a shower because you needed to know that I no longer smelled like dirt and sweat! (Have you ever taken a shower after laying sod?!? Feels like a ton of needles from the fiber glass, but also good because you're getting sweat and dirt off. It's weird.)

I went to Thursdays on 1st and 3rd for supper. I saw some last-session SOS buddies. It was great. I had a burger and stuff, then we went to DQ again 'cause Mom wanted a thin mint blizzard. I had some, it was pretty good actually. -Coming from the girl who doesn't like chocolate.

That's all for now,

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Mini Blog: A third time of MOA?!? I'm INSANE!

That's right! This Friday I'm going with SOS to MOA again! Amazing right?

As our team project we are having a car wash and ice cream sale. The ice cream is only at mayo high school for SOS, but you could come in randomly to our cafeteria and buy some I guess... You should SO come to our car wash if you are in the area. It's at Hy-vee gas station next week Thursday afternoon and all proceeds go to the Ronald McDonald House! *naggy voice* It'll be fun! Your car will be somewhat clean! You'll enjoy it!

Next week Friday we are going roller blading! WEEEEE!!!!

You should go to it helps hungry dogs! for free!
Edit: You could still do this, but it might be hard to close the window on certain computers -like mine-

I'm really tired and sound way to energetic because of it!
I'm going to sleep!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Fate... or is it?

I got this free trial of the game fate: undiscovered... something... on My HP Games. It's really addicting, but since I don't know when the free trial is over I'm playing it as much as possible.

This morning we painted Fellowship Hall at our church. It looks really nice! I am super excited to see it all finished.

I'm going to mama mia with my mom... this should be interesting... :F

I start being a participant at SOS tomorrow. I'm super excited, because I know exactly what to expect. In past years I was really nervous and shy because I had no idea what was going on, but this year because I was a TLT first I know all the leaders!

Tha-the-tha-that's all folks!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Mini Blog: MOA... again?

I went to MOA again today. This time with my parents. Don't ask me why, I don't really know. It was fun, but seriously two days in a row? One day of rides and one of shopping... I was tired when I got back...

I texted Kay like 50 times while I was there.
She texted me that there was a twilight trailer on Yahoo movies! YAY! It was pretty good I guess...
Also the engagement ring of Bella's is online now... not that I want it, I'm not that obsessed. Kay on the other hand needs some help...

That's my excitement for the day,
TTYL -Haley

Friday, July 18, 2008

Mini Blog: MOA!

I went to the mall of america's nick universe today. With three 9 year olds... wheeeeee...

I am so tired I can barely talk about how I haven't been on in SO long. I had 500 e-mails when I came online today. 500!

Thats all I can say for now,

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Wow, I've been busy lately!

This is a Haley news update,

We'll be painting my churches fellowship hall soon.
We're washing it on tuesday.

I'm going in my confirmation/wedding/prom dress to the barnes and noble Stephenie Meyer's breaking dawn prom night. (when the book comes out)
I'll be going with Britney, Ellie, Kayleigh and Tara.
We'll be there 'til after midnight sometime...

I stayed up for relay for life until 2 in the morning yesterday.
I really wanted to blog at 3 when I got home. I was too tired though.

I'm going back to doing SOS this week :D

This has been a Haley news update,
Thank you and goodbye.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Mini Blog: Thunderstorms

This is a quick post before I move on to my post-SOS nap...

We folded relay for life bags again today. For three hours. 2000 bags.
We didn't know they were in alphabetical order. We have to sort them back into the right order sometime...

This afternoon we went to chester woods. We helped some kids on paddleboats and with fishing... until we got a guy on the loudspeaker. we ignored his "thunderstorm warning." It happened again, and again with the thunderstorm getting closer, etc. We ignored it... then the sirens went off. we ran to put the fishing poles away and get on the bus. It was utter chaos.

Now we know not to listen to counselors and to listen to warnings!

That's it for now,

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Mini Blog: Tired...

I am so tired. I watched 4th thru 6th graders who were watching 5 year olds. Do you realize how exhausting those age kids can be? I was... and am exhausted!

That's all I have to say. I know it's not much, but I need a nap.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Mini Blog: 40th post!

This is my 40th post! Hoorah! Huzzah! H-something!

I will be walking over to Mayo for SOS soon, I just thought I'd let you know how it went. The kids (team 1: 9-11 yr. olds) Were quite energetic. I got sick yesterday when I got home from all of the dust we cleaned up I'm sure. I was fully exhausted. I'm sure I will be again today as well.

I should probably be going.
See ya,

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Stuffs... or is it? (I guess)

I just got back from babysitting in our churches nursery. If you could call it babysitting. Thanks to the holiday weekend there were no kids there. AT ALL. That's right I was in a nursery for 2 hours with a ton of little kids play stuff and no kids! What did I do, you ask? I played with all the toys I haven't gotten to play with since I was little, and I read a book of my moms called "Candy Freak" which is a hilarious book if you have the IQ to understand it.

I start SOS tomorrow, as if you needed another reminder. I am psyched to see all of my SOS friends again! It just won't be a complete summer without them.

Maybe I told you this, maybe I didn't, but I have a solitaire addiction. I play it on my palm pilot, I play it on the main computer. I finally found it on my laptop, so I'm playing it now. I wish I could stop. Ok, not really... but my friends do.

I hafta take a shower now so...
See ya,

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Mini Blog: Fireworks

I will post my fireworks experience in a youtube video eventually. For now all *ahem* one of you that reads this will just have to be patient.

I'll be going to hancock this afternoon.

That's all.
See ya.

Edit: Here it is!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Independence Day ...or is it? (It is in America)

HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!! May there be fireworks for everyone!

I went for a bike ride this morning. Then I took a shower. My life is so interesting isn't it?
It's almost time for me to start SOS. Yep, 3 days and counting. I'll try to post, but just like in the school year, it's hard to keep up with. Especially when being so busy.

I know it is illegal to film movies in the theater and post them on Youtube. I am SO not a fan of it either, but I can't stop watching the ending to Narnia! What is wrong with that, you ask? It means I am such a hypocrite! It's a great movie though! Like I said before: one of my favorite actors, Ben Barnes, is the star. I love the song "The Call" by Regina Spector I should just listen to that online instead...

I listened to the black parade today, too. MCR=AWESOME.

I gotta go,

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Mini Blog: No idea...

I am SO uncreative that I have no idea what to type about.

Talk to you later,

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Mini Blog: Gaia Rally & Awesome Actors

I would love to spin the prize wheel on gaia's rally but everyone seems to be blocking the spinner. I'm mad. *grrr* ok, not really a big deal, not actually that angry. I just needed something to mini blog about.

OH MY GOD. I just learned that my 2 favorite guy actors were in the movie Stardust together. I am so freaking out! Ben Barnes (Prince Caspian) played young dunstan and Charlie Cox played tristan! I started freaking out when I heard a couple of minutes ago. I still am! OH! MY! GOD!

That's it for now,

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Mini Blog: I am officially an MCR fan!

My Chemical Romance is now my favorite band. I change that about every week or so, but I hadn't changed from Evanessence/Avril Lavigne (whichever was last) in a while.

I am going to Silver Lake fireworks this year. Then we're coming back home to have a bonfire and set off fireworks on our driveway.

My cousins are -hopefully- coming for 10 days in August. They live in Texas so we don't see each other often.

That's all the news for now,
this is Haley signing off.

P.S. I felt like being all news caster-ish today

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