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Monday, June 30, 2008

Wow, I have GOT to go on here more... or do I? (I do.)

I'm so very sorry I haven't posted in what must seem like forever. (Woah. I'm sorry, that was way too proper sounding.) I haven't been that busy, just lazy.

I'm still addicted to the gamecube, more so than the computer lately. Chibi Robo and Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life have been calling out to me like ghosts! Ahhhh! "You must play us or we'll eat your soul!" See what I have to deal with?

Yesterday I went to Lake City for water-ski days. I never stay for the parade... or the waterskiing... mostly for the cheese curds, mini doughnuts (spell check?) and craft stuff.
I bought this awesome skirt from a Native American clothing place. It is SO cute. I'll have to put a picture of it on here later. It's velvety, but easily worn in the summer, too. It's amazing!

I just woke up... ah, the joys of summer! I can wake up around the time I would be eating lunch at school! I had 4th period lunch- at 10:30 so I would probably be in Biology right now... but still...

I really want my school schedule. I love the summer, but I love knowing what I'm going to do in the school year... not actually going, but figuring out which friends are in which class. It is great fun! I'm a nerd, I know it.

Right now my schedule is:
the 'rents have the day off on Thursday and Friday
American Independence Day is Friday
SOS starts next week- I have no idea what I'm doing each day, though.

It worries me when I have no idea what is going on. Even if I like the relaxation part, the no-schedule part annoys me... a lot.

See ya,

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