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Friday, February 25, 2011

Writings from the Sick

Sickness from last night did not carry into this morning, so I went to lunch at Cici’s and then to Victoria’s house, but I am back home now and feeling as horrible as ever. Someone tell me what happened here! I need to go do chores and homework still, but I feel like sitting in bed will feel better. Cough. Gah, sickness is not okay! I need to be stronger than this. I have too many things to do still today. Cough. Ugh, dizzy. I will return to vacuuming, now. *sigh*

I am even sicker this morning. *sniffle* I am skipping Latin today to get better, but I still have to do school work like for speech. I also have a bunch of application stuff for scholarships and school that are due at the end of this week. It is not a good time to get sick. The long weekend was fine to be sick in, but now is pushing it. At least I am only missing one class.

I went to the doctor today because of a stomachache and dizziness. Said it was just a cold, no strep, no surgery. Good news. I think- I mean I could let it upset me that I went all the way to the doctors just to be told "go home" but I am too tired for that. I will just go back to bed.

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