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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Super Blog: Nick and Norah

I haven't done a super blog in a while, so I thought I would post what it is. A super blog is a normal blog done in half the time. Forgive the typos!

I just went to see Nick and Norah's Infinate Playlist. BEST TEEN MOVIE EVER. Period. End of sentence. Done. Over with. I am seriously getting this soundtrack, it was amazing!

Now it's time for a... What is Haley Doing? Update:
I'm doing my math homework and Latin homework at the same time. Along with all of my most common addictions. Read the past blog about addictions if you think I'm like a druggie or something, because I'm totally not. Although I'm probably as insane as one. (Total fragmented sentence! Yay super blog!)

Addiction information: I'm a zOMG beta tester on gaia, but I have no idea what the game looks like. Stupid testing 104s...
I'll have to go on when everything is not screwy-beta-testy.

It's only been a minute and I got my blogging fill for the day. I'll see if I can make the super blog longer next time. See ya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there were some awkward moments in this movie that were hard to get past... such as every time that gum was re-used (yuck!)

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