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Thursday, October 30, 2008

90th post!

Yes, it's my 90th post! I never thought I would make it this far. I usually quit around 10 on blogs, so this is a very special day!

If you're wondering how I can blog so early it's because I'm home sick again today. I was sick yesterday too.

Random Haley Fact of the week: I have a wall in my room dedicated to pictures from friends. I will post a picture of it here eventually (along with that picture of my desk that I promised.) I guess not the entire wall is filled with pictures from friends, I made some too. There are some professional pictures and some cartoons, too.
Another fact I feel like including- I already have my christmas list started. I start it now, because everything is cheaper. I'm not trying to sound greedy, because I'm really not. I just would rather get a present than nothing, even if it is just a sweater.

Teen update: Myspace has added this thing (that facebook already had- and is easier to use) where you can find friends you might know. Facebook's version is easier because you don't have to leave the page.

I'm going to take a nap since I didn't get much sleep.

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