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Friday, October 17, 2008

Mini Blog: Church Camp

So... I'm going to start on the road to church camp in about 2 hours. (No need to worry- I'm not actually driving) I can't wait! It's in Alexandria so it'll take us a while to get there, and I won't get to blog for a while. (No technology there, at all. They take it until you leave.) I will blog about it when I get back for sure, though. EEEK! I'm so excited! There are a few downsides, but those I can deal with... I think (no technology for 2 1/2 days won't kill me... right? RIGHT?)

I hope I finished all of my homework. I won't have much time to do it when I get back...

I'll miss all of you! All...umm... 2 of you that read this! Really, I will.

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