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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Camp Communication: Day 1- Hell isn't much hotter than this place

7:18 am- 8/2/10
I left Rochester yesterday morning at 11 o' clock in a nice air conditioned car driven by Maggie's mom, Nancy. We stopped at subway around 1 o' clock for lunch which she paid for (super nice of her, by the way.) We got to camp at the same exact time as all of the other kids from Roch. which was kinda freaky. We arrived at check-in at 3 o' clock to a bunch of chittering campers and... unprepared staff. They got ready soon enough, though. After check-in we drove off to the temporary parking by the annex to unload our stuff. We accidentally dropped our things off in South Annex instead of North at first, but we got things figured out eventually. Soon after Nancy left us to be shuffled around like veggies on a young kid's plate, it started raining. It was extremely humid and warm despite the gloomy and normally chilly weather. After it stopped raining for a bit we shuffled off to the Rec. Hall (where we had checked in) to make name tags. After a little discussion on safety and a movie about the UCC's views, we met the new pastor for vespers. He announced that instead of organizing vespers by grade level, such as was done in the past years (although I wouldn't know because this is only my second year here) that campers would sign up for individual roles in making vespers, which was lead by staff members. I forget all what they were called but the descriptions are as follows:

1) Creating Space lead by Julia- basically making it look nice. No talking involved. All were filled by the time I signed up.

2) Message lead by the pastor- what everyone from my church signed up for so we could all be together. Supposed to be the overall theme and go along with the "theme of the day" which was what all of our activities were based on.

3)Scripture lead by Ben- chosen after the message to fit.

4)Music lead by David- for the very talented among us campers in an area I personally am not skilled.

After signing up we went to dinner in the dining hall (cheesy bread and apple sauce!) where I sat with some old and new friends. The day never seemed to end. We got organized into our family groups (formerly buddy groups/ bible study groups.) I'm in the red group with leader Mary. Mary and Lindsay like to compete- I was in Lindsay's group last year :D I love Mary's group. We've already connected, which is weird because I didn't really know anyone in my group last year. After a discussion on the movie and some get to know you stuff (along with a lot of off-tasking) we went to the Rec. Hall again to watch the staff talent/ no talent show. I think they were trying to inspire us for our talent/ no talent show, but it just made us sleepy (until, that is, the choreographed dance at the end) After vespers and a snack it was off to our cabins in the dark (and no one thought to bring a flashlight because it was still light when we went up to Rec. Hall) I think I was eaten by bugs during the night, too. Before bed we were told that we were serving breakfast as a cabin and to be at the dining hall be 8:45. Then we hung out for a while until lights out at midnight. It's a common thing here to go to bed late and get up early- not a very healthy thing to do honestly. We did so much during the day that if it wasn't so hot in our room last night I probably would've gotten a good rest.

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