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Monday, December 6, 2010

Deviant Update: Stressed

Haley is stressed. In 2 weeks Haley's first semester of college will have finished. Now, this means 2 things:
1) in 2 weeks I will only have to go to one class a day
...and that class starts at around 12:15 daily, meaning I will get to sleep!
2) I've got finals this week and next. I also have a quiz in Latin.

AND! Because of my schedule in January at the high school, I will have to leave about 15 minutes early for about 4 days just to get to class at the college on time. (The high school schedule doesn't switch to third quarter until the end of January)

Schedule changes Haley does not like. Usually I miss a day every other month because of early release schedule at the high school- which I will be doing again this Friday.
However, when the schedule switches to next semester at the college I will miss late start days instead of early releases.
MEANING: I miss my high school class once two months in a row. And have to leave early 4 days as well. AND THIS CLASS SUCKS TO MAKE STUFF UP IN! Dang it, Latin! Grrrr.

And to add insult to injury I just had to pay 100 dollars to get my DSi exchanged at Gamestop for a new DSi because the battery went and esploded! Or rather, my parents had to pay for it because I'm broke... and they also bought me new expensive boots. Which means I'm not getting a new laptop for christmas anymore. Sad.
(Although I'm planning on getting money instead of gifts from most of my relatives, so I'll buy it myself if I have enough.)

Anyway, I will now continue my job search! That way I will be able to afford Christmas presents!

Update on job search, since I just now realized I haven't posted anything about it here
I have applied to the following places:
-Herbergers (Denied my application within 2 hours or something like that)
-Chuck-E-Cheese (Hasn't opened yet here, probably won't before the holidays)
-Quite a few other places I can't remember right now (all online applications and will e-mail me later)

I have applications to turn in for the following places:
-Barnes and Noble
-Bath and Body Works

I am currently applying for:
-JC Penny

...and I should also really be working on Latin homework, so TTYL!

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