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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Mini Blog: The fooey internet is bugging me... or is it?

I haven't been able to post lately because, once again, the internet has gone fooey. The computer went fooey for a bit, too. I think I've got it fixed, though. I have at least 500 e-mails to look at since I haven't been on in a couple of days.

Yesterday was one of my few days of the summer to relax, besides having drivers training from 6 to 9, I mean. Today, though, was not. I went to Summer of Service set-up from 8 am to around noon. It was going to go 'til 4, but we got done faster than expected. Tomorrow BB is coming over from 7 am to 5. I won't have much time off until the first week of July. Then I have SOS until the second week of August.

I'm really busy and tired, I'm going to sleep.

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