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Monday, June 9, 2008

I plan on typing a lot today... or do I? (I do)

I can type from now until 6:30 pm so this should be a super long blog, hopefully.

Tomorrow I am going to my mom's cousin's funeral. He committed suicide. I didn't know him well. I knew his brother a bit better though. His brother committed suicide, too. So I'm thinking it runs in our family. I have a bit of depression but it never gets bad enough to the point of suicide so I don't have to take meds for it. This is a depressing subject, I'm moving on.

It's Monday, which normally would suck except: it's the first Monday of summer vacation! I think I've mentioned before how instead of getting tired on Mondays, I get tired on Fridays. Well, I learned it's not so much that I get tired on Fridays it's just I have extra time to sleep on the weekends and I don't on the weekdays, so by Friday I'm really tired out because I have had little sleep.

I've decided I need to quit getting addicted to things as to recover from my current addictions. I'm addicted to the sims 2 pets for the computer. I'd been playing it for three days straight when the internet was out and my DS ran out of power. Now I've been on EA's website downloading tons of stuff from the exchange. I am officially even more of a nerd.

I was addicted to Gaia Online for a while, but I haven't been active in the groups or in the forums lately. I collect the daily chance every day, that's it! What's a girl to do when she is addicted to so many things...?

I also have an MSN icon (also known as avatar) addiction. I have a photobucket album full (1000 icons) and another with around 5oo. If you need any you've come to the right place. I think I can merge the first into the second now that photobucket holds more images, but I'm too lazy and I've already put the links on the numbers above.

I have a myspace, facebook, and blogger addiction, too. I put them all in one category because I do the same thing in all of them: rant about myself and the world around me. To you, to my friends, to... ummm... myself?

I know I have a problem with addictions to various things, that's the first step to recovery, folks!

I don't know what else to type... I'll think of something tomorrow... I'm going to play the sims while on Gaia and getting icons for my photobucket.

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