10:22 pm (Italy Time)
Hotel Room
Today we went to the colosseum / Flavian Amphitheater and the Roman Forum. It was really hot. I was si hot I had three cups of gelato today xD
Hotel Room
Today we went to the colosseum / Flavian Amphitheater and the Roman Forum. It was really hot. I was si hot I had three cups of gelato today xD
Daily Food List
D7 breakfast- tea, juice, vanilla coronet, fruit
D7 lunch- violet and mango gelato, toast, 1/4 of a miniature pie
Mid afternoon snack: 2 gelato cassata (which is like a milk pudding kind of thing), nutella, cherry, vanilla and some other mystery flavor we couldn't figure out.
D7 dinner- pasta, salad, chicken and ham, bread, pies, breadcrumb potatoes, potato squares
Dinner was huge and I am so full- not as full as the first day, though, because of all of the sweaty gross walking we did today.
Lots and lots of water was had by our group.
There are fireworks and Lord of the Rings concert music going on outside. Rebecca, Michelle, Michael F, and I suck out of our respective windows to hang out on the balcony and now Rebecca and Michael F are still out there watching fireworks. I'm inside getting de-nastified from the walk today and planning on sleeping soon. Goodnight!
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