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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Deviant Update: I'm a Geek for Life

So, I read a blog today about an author's fandoms (can be read here: and I decided to make my own life's story based on my fandoms.

Between birth and age 5 Around this time power rangers and Barney were the hit thing. You were the bomb in preschool if you had a barney lunch box (which I did) and a power rangers ring (which I also did.) Towards the end of this age I was also really into polly pockets. Those little plastic toys you kept in necklaces or little houses they probably aren't allowed to sell anymore because of choking hazards. I'm not talking about the lame rip offs of barbies that are being sold now, although I think I had both those and barbies at some point during this age too. I didn't have a lot of true fandoms at this time because I live a sheltered middle class suburban american white girl kinda life.

Age 5 to 7 When I was 5 sailor moon was starting to gain popularity on the new(ish) cartoon network. But it was on after my bed time so, even though I caught the first five minutes of it, I don't really remember much except for the shiny transformation sequences and "star power!"
I also began my obsession with pokemon, which still lives on (if you can't tell by the deviations I've posted recently) but now I'm more into the video games rather than the show. I still have quite a few VHS tapes and one or two Dvds (remember those days when you had more VHS tapes than dvds?) of the show and movies. In case you were wondering, I am a magikarp fangirl. I know we are few, but we are proud. I have almost every single magikarp card ever. (Not every one because I was like 7 and the internet was a new concept to me)

Age 8 to 10 I had a rough time around this age (which I won't get into...) and all I really remember for obsessions was Disney movies. I always kinda had the obsession with the music from the movies ever since these "DiC (owned by Disney at the time) music VHS tapes" which I had. I got my first CD for my 8th birthday which was the soundtrack to Tarzan and I also got a boom box/ radio/ CD and music tape player type thing which is still in my room and still functioning- although the tape player eats the tapes sometimes. I still have more soundtracks than actual music and I blame this age for that. I was a music junkie, or as much of one as an 8-10 year old can be. My grandma, who lives down the street from me, had an old record player and 8 track player that I would listen to for hours. I can still find my favorite record in her basement even though it's filled with so much rummage sale junk that you can barely move around down there. My favorite song she had on a record was Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini.
Another thing I was obsessed about around this time was Austin Powers. I had an intelligent babysitter who let me watch 'Austin Powers the Spy who Shagged Me' when I was 8 years old. And I liked it. But not for the wrong parts, don't worry I didn't even understand that part. I liked the opening music sequence and Dr. Evil. I bought a CD called "the songs of the 60s" because I thought it was the Austin Powers soundtrack. (It had people who looked like go-go dancers on the front, it was logical for an 8 year old) my dad bought me some pet fish and had me name them. I don't remember what I named the neons because they were so small they got sucked up by the cleaner in a few hours, but I named the algae eater 'fat bastard.' I didn't know it was an insult; I thought it was a Scottish name, Okay?

Age 11 to 13 I remember about this time that I was looking into our old movie collection and fell in love with gremlins and the labyrinth. I claim to be :iconMuffins-Weasley:'s intro. to the labyrinth. I hated those movies when I was little and now I can't even begin to wonder why. David Bowie was my hero because he had awesome hair and talked to amazing creatures (the separation between movies and real life hadn't really hit home quite yet at 11, although I was starting to get it) I think this is about when I stopped watching TV and obsessively went online and on our gamecube. I am a video game freak, but I have lurked the internets for a lot longer than that. I had a gameboy color when I was younger, but I really only used it on long car trips. Around 12-13 I was on AOL for hours in the chatrooms, lurking and not talking a lot... that's when I invented the name puppyrock3, actually. I still use it because I was online for so long (about 4 hours a day which is a long time when you're that old) I remember it. We switched over to charter and didn't have dial up around age 13 and it was the best day of my life at the time. And, of course, the worst because the internet was out for a few days.
Somewhere along the way I fell in love with reading. I don't really know when I had time to do it with all of my fandoms in progress (I know I don't have much time for reading now, even though I enjoy it.) Maybe when the internet was out? I was a fantasy freak for a long time. My favorite books were the series about Avalon by Rachel Roberts (which most people haven't heard of, but I got a bunch of younger middle schoolers hooked on when I was in 8th grade) and Harry Potter. Funny story, though, it took me a year to actually start the first HP book because I thought it was too long and I didn't get why everyone liked it so much. Now I am as much of a HP freak as the next geek.

Age 14 to 16 I became more of an otaku when I was introduced to Anime Club at school by some friends in freshman year, but until then I stuck to my video games. Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon, and Super Smash Bros. All three of which made me an otaku from the beginning without me even realizing it. Another huge one is Final Fantasy 1 and 2 which I had for the game boy advance. I had every nintendo system ever made at one point, but we sold a few, traded a few and some just stopped working... GO NES! Duck hunt, tetris, and pong were my dad's generation but he started me on the video game madness by introducing me to them. I also got hooked on SEGA at around 14 with a game that involved a purple guy flying around and doing something I can't remember that always made me want to sing the flying purple people eater song. And Sonic, of course, can't forget the blue guy... because I could play that one on my GBA instead of on my friend's dreamcast.
Now for anime: for a while there I never really finished any manga series, I just read the first one or two and then got on with it (I mean why couldn't the whole story all be in one book, like a normal book, seriously? Series are one thing 40 books are another) Deathnote and Naruto were my first introductions to manga... and I still like them, even though I don't really want to finish the series because I'm lazy and that requires finding them all and stuff ^-^' I don't think I ever finished fruits basket either... Hmmm, have I ever finished any manga?
Anyway,I am a huge fan of Box Sets for Anime on Dvd. I love anime. It's the best thing since sliced bread. But I hate cliff hangers because I will forget about the series and then some day remember about them and think "what the hell happened after that?" *ahem* ghost hunt *ahem*
I blame :iconFyretail13: for my introduction to fanfic. I met her freshman year in drama club. I'm including the following description because i am also a theater geek and I count that as an obsession. She was reading harry potter behind a giant green head backstage with a booklight. I was a sound helper monkey, in charge of holding the mics when they weren't being used and wearing them to look official... and she was on props, in charge of green glasses and the security's earpieces. By the way I bought zebra print and orange tie die duct tape to add to my purple tie die and black duct tape. Duct tape is the official signature of a techie. I plan on having all four in my senior pictures in one way or another.

Through my life I've had many other obsessions. my obsession with creating accounts online everywhere and then going back to them 3 years later to realize Ive been there before. My temporary ice skating (both hockey and figure skating) obsession. My obsession with dogs and dolphins. My obsession with Latch hooking. My obsession with renaissance festivals. My obsession with the Legend of Zelda. My obsession with onigiri, even though I never knew that's what they were called until fruits basket. A lot of these obsessions are still going on, and I really hope I don't grow out of some of the ones that help to identify me right now. I love being a geek and I couldn't live without being a little out of the ordinary.

I'm sorry I couldn't include all of my friends that I've met thus far, but I know for a fact that you guys are just as much of geeks as I am. Some quick mentions: :iconhiddenshadowwalker: was there when I began coding my own website when I was 9 (I remember because she called me the best nerd ever on fictionpress that day) and :iconkajisan: was also in drama and anime club with me (along with :icontobi-kun-no-baka: in anime club, too)! :iconcarlyndra: was my fellow sailor moon lover from my elementary school days in summer sacc. and I know I've got lots of other nerd friends out there. Kayleigh doesn't count though, because she's dead, she has not seen anything in the history of ever, and she didn't like the labyrinth when we watched it. I still love my non-nerd friends like Kay, too, they just aren't getting as much of a mention because they aren't cool enough xD

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