It's a very well known fact that I am a procrastinator, but I always like to answer this question in my blog posts: "Haley, what are you procrastinating on today?"
Well, fake_question_asker007 I am procrastinating on quite a few things right now actually.
Here is my EPIC list of THINGS TO DO!
1. Read The Odyssey which you were supposed to do this summer
2. Read Beowulf which you were supposed to finish last week
3. Read One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest for your Lit. Project
4. Read Bloodhound which you borrowed from Bethy and should return soon
5. Read the two books you're supposed to finish for Reading for College
6. Study vocab for Reading for College
7. Read all of those English story packets you were supposed to finish a few weeks ago
8. Update the book blog on all of those things you read
9. Study for PSAT on Wednesday
10. Finish editing Rae's story
11. Put music back on your computer now that you reset it and it's working fine
12. Clean your closet
13. Do those crafts in the corner of your closet
14. Read all of those books you were going to read for English last year, but didn't
Basically I was supposed to be reading all weekend which, obviously, is not happening. I may start reading when I'm done blogging, though.
Better at least get one of the things done on my list. TTYL!
My Epic List of Things to Do for MEA Weekend:
Chemistry: Sections 4.1 and 4.2
AP Human Geography: Read Chapter: Culture
Algebra 2: Finish Section 3.3 and look over other homework before turning in on Monday. 6 Page Bench Mark Packet
AP English: Beowulf Rhapsody, Dante's Inferno, Read Owen Meany which I was supposed to do over the Summer, and the other study packets, Costumes for Beowulf Rhapsody.
Speech: Write Demonstration Speech for Wednesday.
Non-School Related:
~ Look through music programs for mixing and editing so Jackie and I can start buying mics and making progress.
~ Clean debris from homework weekend.
~ Read Owen Meany which I was supposed to do over the Summer.
~ Watch Whip It! in theaters
~ Check Out Winona State College
~Decide major/ specific field of study so I can narrow down college choices from just "a college"
~ Write for Poetry Club
~ Get out of the house and go do something.
~~~It goes on but that is all I could think of off the top of my head~~~
Yeah... see I was gone for most of MEA so, this is just a general list of things to do.
You should post your list on your blog, too, Pickle!
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