We lost our homecoming game against Owatonna, they were really good. I had a lot of fun before and during the game though.
We had a parade and got lotsa candy and watched random videos at my house and stuff. There were like 10 people helping me get a football -If I don't get one I get banned from the family for a year... just kidding, but I do get in trouble.
At the game we played Egyptian Rat Screw (the card game) on the ground, then we went and had food and sat on the bleachers.
We were sitting between the band and the tailgaters (spell check.) There was little room and people were sitting on each others' laps. It was actually warmer that way though.
Kay is coming over and we're going duct tape shopping. It's a techie thing... Plus we know someones dress is going to break and we're going to be life savers.
We're going to a pre-party at bethie-san's. Then to the homecoming dance. I don't have a date, but it should still be fun, right?
I should plug my laptop in, it's battery is dying. Bye!
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