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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Stephenie Meyer's Midnight Sun

So I'm sure you've all heard -unless you aren't as into the series as me- that midnight sun is on hold. I'm not even going to mention why. Go see her site here if you need to know. I just wanted you to know what I thought about it. I posted this as a comment on another blog, and I want to show you. you should read this even if you don't like the series, because you can make it about any series that has been effected in this way.

"That post of hers seriously made me cry. I can understand how she feels, but even worse she made her post SOUND like how she felt. I love when writers do that in books, to get the emotion across, but the fact that this was REAL made it terrible!

I understand not reading it, too. I know I'm not going to, but not just because of her feelings, or because I'm lazy. (Those are both true, but still...) It would feel so wrong! Reading something so unfinished, something she is so sad about happening that she QUIT writing it. I would feel terrible just looking at it!

I was so looking forward to that book, too.
It makes me feel sad, too. (Though, probably not on the same level)"

So hopefully she'll keep writing, hopefully she won't get a ton of views on that rough draft -even though I'm sure she will- and hopefully she won't kill anyone off, because that wouldn't fit nicely...

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