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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Deviant Update: Fuck Studying I'm Going to Hogwarts

I copied this off of my DA account because I'm too busy to write something separate.

Finals Week. Week of Doom. Almost as bad as Tech Week (also know to the techies as the week of death) but not quite.

Finals Schedule/ Study Preparations:
Monday- normal class schedule in which we review for finals and/or do nothing

Math- 2 different pages of problems (about 1/4 of the way done) and a note sheet for the final
Latin- Studied some 'about the language' stuff and will quiz myself on verbs and nouns later
Teacher's Aide- don't have to come back for this

Physics- Packet finished in class yesterday. I have an 89.4- if I get a good grade on the final I'll have an A.
Free Period
Human Geography- Liar of a teacher didn't put the study questions online yet.

English- no idea what to study for the final, but she collected our binders so I can't do it anyway
Reading For College- I have the sheet of stuff to study from out notes, but I didn't bring my binder home. I am so lucky this is my last final.

No school Friday so teachers can grade.

If only I were a witch. Then I could worry about OWLS instead of this crap.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Mini Blog: New Year!

I just realized I haven't posted anything here since last year! Wow!
I don't really have anything to say, so... I guess I'll just end with: Have a great 2010!


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