So... I got my wisdom teeth out on Monday... which I don't really want to talk about...
So, now, I'm going to talk about my Christmas presents!
Before School Ended:
1. New Phone
2. New (Fixed) Laptop
3. Chipotle and Noodles Giftcards (from a teacher)
Saturday before Christmas (dad's side of the family):
1. 2 pairs of headphones
2. Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
3. EA Sports Active
4. Lots of $
Christmas Eve (mom's side of the family):
1. 3 pairs of headphones
2. Barnes and Noble Gift Card
3. More $
Christmas Day (main family's christmas):
1. 4 pairs of headphones
2. Some Jewelry
3. More $
That's all I really have to say... thanks to my meds I kinda need a nap now. TTYL.
Haley's Blog, It's pretty much like any other blog. It includes stuff I've done, stuff I am doing, and stuff I am going to do (eventually)
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Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
More New Videos
I've been on a video posting streak lately (mostly just because I've been meaning to get this stuff done, really...)
GOFA Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Sassy the Cookie Monster Part 1:
Part 2:
EDIT: Videos under construction- they were too long and so they were rejected from youtube. To be uploaded later.
EDIT #2: Video selection 1 finished and posted above, video selection 2 is being edited
EDIT #3: Video Selection 2 finished and posted above
GOFA Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Sassy the Cookie Monster Part 1:
Part 2:
EDIT: Videos under construction- they were too long and so they were rejected from youtube. To be uploaded later.
EDIT #2: Video selection 1 finished and posted above, video selection 2 is being edited
EDIT #3: Video Selection 2 finished and posted above
Thursday, December 17, 2009
I've got some videos here that I've been meaning to upload. They're from my phone so they aren't great.
Latin Club Video 1:
Drama Club Cast Party:
Day 2 Cam:
Day 3 Cam:
Latin Club Video 2:
That's all I really came here for, bye!
Latin Club Video 1:
Drama Club Cast Party:
Day 2 Cam:
Day 3 Cam:
Latin Club Video 2:
That's all I really came here for, bye!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Mini Blog: Cold.
It's freaking cold outside. I'd just like to let you know that.
Haley's Random Internet finding of the moment:
Awesome? I know.
P.S. thanks to: That Girl for being super fantastic and finding all of the stuff that I wish I had time to read and or watch ^-^
Haley's Random Internet finding of the moment:
Awesome? I know.
P.S. thanks to: That Girl for being super fantastic and finding all of the stuff that I wish I had time to read and or watch ^-^
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Cold Day Tomorrow?
I remember in middle school when we used to call our snow days "cold days" because we were afraid that we would jinx our luck (or perhaps the snow "gods," whom we danced to) by calling them "snow days". For whatever reason this didn't carry into high school, though. Maybe it was all of those icy car crashes (like the one I witnessed walking home today) or perhaps it was slipping in the slush (which I have done in years past and will probably do again this year) but for whatever reason we have lost this "cold day" idea. That's not to say that we don't get mad at our teachers for jinxing us by not acting like we're going to still have school the next day nor do we no longer get excited when we watch the 10 o'clock news- or perhaps go to sleep and let our parents tell us in the morning- and find out THERE'S NO SCHOOL! However, it seems to me that we've lost the innocence of it by the time we reach high school. We just want to get out of school so we don't have to do the work- not because we're genuinely happy about the snow. This loss of innocence is even affecting the middle-schoolers now. The elementary kids are our only hope for this genuine excited-ness.
One thing we did carry over, though, is this idea of rituals. Like wearing your PJ's inside out or putting a fork and a spoon under your pillow- like that was supposed to do some good? I would really do that in middle school but end up sleeping on the floor for fear of getting a fork shoved into my head. Many people even slept the wrong way on their beds. To which I said, "so you get a fork in your foot instead of your head, seems reasonable" not even seeing the illogical-ness of it all. I never would have imagined that somebody in a small office in the center of town would be the deciding factor in whether or not school was canceled. I guess that's the magic of the season for you- instead of using our time "wisely" we use our time to make up silly snow dances and other rituals in order to not have school the next day (or perhaps the next week...) and to appease these made-up snow people.
Well, I'm going to drink some hot tea and get some math or Latin homework done. Here's hoping that we (and I'm not trying to jinx it here) have a "cold day" tomorrow and that I don't have to do my human geography homework because I'm too lazy to do it now.
One thing we did carry over, though, is this idea of rituals. Like wearing your PJ's inside out or putting a fork and a spoon under your pillow- like that was supposed to do some good? I would really do that in middle school but end up sleeping on the floor for fear of getting a fork shoved into my head. Many people even slept the wrong way on their beds. To which I said, "so you get a fork in your foot instead of your head, seems reasonable" not even seeing the illogical-ness of it all. I never would have imagined that somebody in a small office in the center of town would be the deciding factor in whether or not school was canceled. I guess that's the magic of the season for you- instead of using our time "wisely" we use our time to make up silly snow dances and other rituals in order to not have school the next day (or perhaps the next week...) and to appease these made-up snow people.
Well, I'm going to drink some hot tea and get some math or Latin homework done. Here's hoping that we (and I'm not trying to jinx it here) have a "cold day" tomorrow and that I don't have to do my human geography homework because I'm too lazy to do it now.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Mini Blog: Home? I think I remember that!
Isn't home the place I sleep at and used to eat at before Drama club sucked away all of my free time? Yeah! I think this is that place!
Now that drama club is over I'm a little lost... I now have to COME HOME after school every day (but Thursday for Latin club) we don't even have another play this year due to budget cuts. So, is this lost feeling what I'm going to have for the rest of the freaking school year? I hope not...
Anyway, I've gotta catch up on homework I didn't do while at Drama so...
Now that drama club is over I'm a little lost... I now have to COME HOME after school every day (but Thursday for Latin club) we don't even have another play this year due to budget cuts. So, is this lost feeling what I'm going to have for the rest of the freaking school year? I hope not...
Anyway, I've gotta catch up on homework I didn't do while at Drama so...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Backstage Show?
This happened in the gym backstage of our production of Annie at school... on a Saturday...
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Mini Blog: Post number 170!
That's right, it's my 170th post! Yippee!
I'm sorry I don't have time to blog!
I've got to write an english paper- I don't have any time this week due to play/ tech week stuff! I've gotta get working, sorry guys!
I'm sorry I don't have time to blog!
I've got to write an english paper- I don't have any time this week due to play/ tech week stuff! I've gotta get working, sorry guys!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
School. Ugh.
AHH! I had so much work to do tonight (and I still have some more!)
1. Finish Draco Malfoy from A Very Potter Musical themed bottle rocket Kay and I didn't do this weekend because she got Swine Flu DUE: TOMORROW AFTER SCHOOL
2. Finish Latin story, which is still not online :( DUE: TOMORROW 2ND HOUR
Stuff I still need to do:
1. Study vocab for Latin
2. Study vocab for Reading for College
3. Read Dante's Inferno for English. I'm only on Cantos #2 (which is like chapter 2 out of 35) DUE: THURSDAY... ish
I missed construction again today so that Kay and I could get our rocket done. I'm missing Key Club tomorrow so we can shoot off our rocket. This week kinda sucks.
1. Finish Draco Malfoy from A Very Potter Musical themed bottle rocket Kay and I didn't do this weekend because she got Swine Flu DUE: TOMORROW AFTER SCHOOL
2. Finish Latin story, which is still not online :( DUE: TOMORROW 2ND HOUR
Stuff I still need to do:
1. Study vocab for Latin
2. Study vocab for Reading for College
3. Read Dante's Inferno for English. I'm only on Cantos #2 (which is like chapter 2 out of 35) DUE: THURSDAY... ish
I missed construction again today so that Kay and I could get our rocket done. I'm missing Key Club tomorrow so we can shoot off our rocket. This week kinda sucks.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
It's a very well known fact that I am a procrastinator, but I always like to answer this question in my blog posts: "Haley, what are you procrastinating on today?"
Well, fake_question_asker007 I am procrastinating on quite a few things right now actually.
Here is my EPIC list of THINGS TO DO!
1. Read The Odyssey which you were supposed to do this summer
2. Read Beowulf which you were supposed to finish last week
3. Read One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest for your Lit. Project
4. Read Bloodhound which you borrowed from Bethy and should return soon
5. Read the two books you're supposed to finish for Reading for College
6. Study vocab for Reading for College
7. Read all of those English story packets you were supposed to finish a few weeks ago
8. Update the book blog on all of those things you read
9. Study for PSAT on Wednesday
10. Finish editing Rae's story
11. Put music back on your computer now that you reset it and it's working fine
12. Clean your closet
13. Do those crafts in the corner of your closet
14. Read all of those books you were going to read for English last year, but didn't
Basically I was supposed to be reading all weekend which, obviously, is not happening. I may start reading when I'm done blogging, though.
Better at least get one of the things done on my list. TTYL!
Well, fake_question_asker007 I am procrastinating on quite a few things right now actually.
Here is my EPIC list of THINGS TO DO!
1. Read The Odyssey which you were supposed to do this summer
2. Read Beowulf which you were supposed to finish last week
3. Read One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest for your Lit. Project
4. Read Bloodhound which you borrowed from Bethy and should return soon
5. Read the two books you're supposed to finish for Reading for College
6. Study vocab for Reading for College
7. Read all of those English story packets you were supposed to finish a few weeks ago
8. Update the book blog on all of those things you read
9. Study for PSAT on Wednesday
10. Finish editing Rae's story
11. Put music back on your computer now that you reset it and it's working fine
12. Clean your closet
13. Do those crafts in the corner of your closet
14. Read all of those books you were going to read for English last year, but didn't
Basically I was supposed to be reading all weekend which, obviously, is not happening. I may start reading when I'm done blogging, though.
Better at least get one of the things done on my list. TTYL!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Mini Blog: New Video from Mayo's Homecoming
I've got homework to do so I'm making this quick, but I've uploaded a new video I made using this new video editor I've got, so I'd appreciate commentary!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Post Number 165!
I'm still counting down until I get to post number 200! Nobody has given me ideas for anything special to do for post #200 and I have no idea what special thing to do. Maybe I'll just wait until 300 if I don't get any ideas before then.
I know I haven't blogged in a while, you know how it goes when the school year starts. However, I am blogging today BECAUSE I just learned MY MATH BOOK IS ONLINE!!! This means I am more likely to go online in the first place in order to do math and then blog afterwards! Yay, math!
This plan may backfire, though, because I have even less time after school, now. I am in after-school activities and such until about 4:30 every night. Construction for the play every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Key Club on Tuesday. Latin club on Thursday. Homework catch-up on Saturday. Church on Sunday. Starts over again on Monday.
Construction crew means we're getting closer and closer to the play of doom, though. We're doing Annie this year, which doesn't sound terrible but we lost more than half of our actors, actresses, and techies to college this year.
Wish us luck, for we are doomed.
I know I haven't blogged in a while, you know how it goes when the school year starts. However, I am blogging today BECAUSE I just learned MY MATH BOOK IS ONLINE!!! This means I am more likely to go online in the first place in order to do math and then blog afterwards! Yay, math!
This plan may backfire, though, because I have even less time after school, now. I am in after-school activities and such until about 4:30 every night. Construction for the play every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Key Club on Tuesday. Latin club on Thursday. Homework catch-up on Saturday. Church on Sunday. Starts over again on Monday.
Construction crew means we're getting closer and closer to the play of doom, though. We're doing Annie this year, which doesn't sound terrible but we lost more than half of our actors, actresses, and techies to college this year.
Wish us luck, for we are doomed.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Mini Blog: Latin webpage not working?!?
Apparently the Latin web page I use for homework no longer works because of a budget issue. This is terrible because it means I have to do it all by hand which takes FOREVER. Which also means I have less time to blog.
After being sick the 3rd day of school, this just adds to the suckish week I've been having.
I need to go take forever on my Latin homework. TTYL
After being sick the 3rd day of school, this just adds to the suckish week I've been having.
I need to go take forever on my Latin homework. TTYL
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Mini Blog: Summer's almost over? NO!
Tomorrow is the last day of summer, which means less blogs for everyone. I have issues making blogs on time because I feel that school deadlines are more important than blog deadlines. Plus I'm a slacker... that has a lot to do with it, lol.
Hopefully I will post at a later date,
Hopefully I will post at a later date,
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
School Schedule
Hello, I finally have time to post my school schedule. I've been working on summer homework lately and so I didn't have time. Anyway, here's my schedule:
1. Algebra with Baumann
2. Latin with Sassy
3. Apella (like study hall, only you can go wherever in the school)
4. Physics with Grafstrom
5. Lunch
6. Human Geo with Lunde
7. A.P. Lit. with Brock
8. Reading for College with Gaul
Now I've got some school blogging to do, so ta ta for now.
1. Algebra with Baumann
2. Latin with Sassy
3. Apella (like study hall, only you can go wherever in the school)
4. Physics with Grafstrom
5. Lunch
6. Human Geo with Lunde
7. A.P. Lit. with Brock
8. Reading for College with Gaul
Now I've got some school blogging to do, so ta ta for now.
Friday, August 21, 2009
I got back from vacation in the dells yesterday. It was amazing and I can't wait to go back! We go every few years (the last time I went I was 7 yrs old, lol.) BB and I had the greatest time even though we got a little injured from the really short flooring on one of the lazy rivers. That was probably our fault for standing in the inner tubes instead of sitting, though.
Anyway, by now you may be wondering why this blog is called "NACHOS!" Well, I'll tell you. Today I'm going to the Steel County (Owatonna) fair. They have the BEST nachos of all time. This Mexican restaurant known as Grace's has these nachos called "cindy nachos" and they are probably my favorite food. The nachos have their own booth at the fair because the line gets so long. I only get them once or twice a year, though. I get them once at the fair (when we visit my grandparents that live in Owatonna) and then maybe another time if we decide to go out to dinner there with my family. I decided this year to take a picture of the nachos to show how amazing they are.
Now that I'm done with my obsessive rant, I will stop posting and talk to everyone later. Bye!
Anyway, by now you may be wondering why this blog is called "NACHOS!" Well, I'll tell you. Today I'm going to the Steel County (Owatonna) fair. They have the BEST nachos of all time. This Mexican restaurant known as Grace's has these nachos called "cindy nachos" and they are probably my favorite food. The nachos have their own booth at the fair because the line gets so long. I only get them once or twice a year, though. I get them once at the fair (when we visit my grandparents that live in Owatonna) and then maybe another time if we decide to go out to dinner there with my family. I decided this year to take a picture of the nachos to show how amazing they are.
Now that I'm done with my obsessive rant, I will stop posting and talk to everyone later. Bye!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Mini Blog: 160th post!
This is my 160th post! I'm still trying to think of something special for numero 2-0-0 but I haven't come up with anything yet. Please feel free to comment with some ideas!
I am excited to say that my internet is up and working again (as it hasn't been the last few days) and I decided that meant MINI BLOG TIME! YAY!
I am still reading for school even though we get our schedules tomorrow. EEK! This is not a good sign for you faithful readers as it means I will probably be reading instead of blogging. I will be posting my schedule tomorrow before I leave for vacation in the dells, I hope. if not I will post it when I get back.
I am excited to say that my internet is up and working again (as it hasn't been the last few days) and I decided that meant MINI BLOG TIME! YAY!
I am still reading for school even though we get our schedules tomorrow. EEK! This is not a good sign for you faithful readers as it means I will probably be reading instead of blogging. I will be posting my schedule tomorrow before I leave for vacation in the dells, I hope. if not I will post it when I get back.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Mini Blog: New Books!
I finally got some new books that I've read on the Book Blog! Now I've just got to finish my vlog I was going to do a few days ago and read some books for school and then my to-do list will be finished! Hoorah!
I'd better get started.
I'd better get started.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Mini Blog: Vlog... I Told You it Wasn't Going to Happen.
The vlog will happen eventually... just not now.
I don't have much other stuff to say, so I'm just going to say TTYL.
I don't have much other stuff to say, so I'm just going to say TTYL.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Vlog Coming Soon!
I wrote a script for my third vlog and I hope to film it later today and then post it on here.
Edit 8/11/09 @3:04 PM: Vlog is here! I actually did it, although not on time!
Edit 8/11/09 @3:04 PM: Vlog is here! I actually did it, although not on time!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Mini Blog: The Fair!
I'm going to the county fair for dinner! I NEED junk food! After a week at church camp it feels like I haven't had any greasy stuff in, like, forever! Cheese curds and mini doughnuts here I come!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Mini Blog: Church Camp
Right now I'm packing for church camp. I should probably have started this earlier. I leave at 11 or so tomorrow and I will be at camp around 3.
There is no technology allowed at camp so I will not be able to blog. I will post lots of pictures and information when I get back, though.
Those books are not going to be talked about on the book blog before camp. I'm really sorry. I'm a procrastinator and I'm busy packing, so I apologize!
O.k, back to work.
There is no technology allowed at camp so I will not be able to blog. I will post lots of pictures and information when I get back, though.
Those books are not going to be talked about on the book blog before camp. I'm really sorry. I'm a procrastinator and I'm busy packing, so I apologize!
O.k, back to work.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Computer Camp
All right. Now, I feel like a nerd. "I'm at the U of M this week in a web design class" sounds much more sophisticated and less... nerdy than "I'm at Computer Camp." Hopefully, though, I learn some interesting HTML, CSS, and JavaScript stuff to use here on my blog. So being a nerd is justified I think.
Sunday I leave for Pilgrim Point Church Camp near Alexandria. This should be really exciting- I've heard nothing but good things. However, this means I am completely technology deprived for 6 days and 5 nights. (We get there Sunday and leave on Saturday morning, I think.) I will probably be going through some serious withdrawals by the time I get home, honestly.
I am hoping to update the book blog soon- before I leave for camp, perhaps? I have a bunch of drafts of all of the books I've read or am going to read. I just need to type stuff and get pictures now, which is exciting for me because I'm usually such a procrastinator. (Eventually! -If you don't get that joke you haven't the Amanda Show enough times, yet)
That's all for now,
Sunday I leave for Pilgrim Point Church Camp near Alexandria. This should be really exciting- I've heard nothing but good things. However, this means I am completely technology deprived for 6 days and 5 nights. (We get there Sunday and leave on Saturday morning, I think.) I will probably be going through some serious withdrawals by the time I get home, honestly.
I am hoping to update the book blog soon- before I leave for camp, perhaps? I have a bunch of drafts of all of the books I've read or am going to read. I just need to type stuff and get pictures now, which is exciting for me because I'm usually such a procrastinator. (Eventually! -If you don't get that joke you haven't the Amanda Show enough times, yet)
That's all for now,
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Mini Blog: Harry Potter!!!!!
The movie was amazing! I don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't seen it so I won't type much more for fear of spilling something accidentally, but it was really awesome!
No spoilers here!
No spoilers here!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Mini Blog: Doin' Stuff...
I'm totally doing stuff this week! Last week (except Friday when I went to Cassi's) I had stayed in my house. I never left for 4 days. I felt like a hermit ^^'
I'm busy busy busy.
Tomorrow I'm going to the twins game for a while.
Monday the carpet cleaner is coming so I need to get up early and go downstairs before I can do anything.
Tuesday BB is coming over and then we're going to Harry Potter at midnight with Rae and Bethy, Cassi and Nicki are prolly meeting us there, and Kay and Terra are going to the same theater so we'll prolly see them, too.
Wednesday we may just sleep for a while since we'll be up pretty late on tuesday.
I'm going to ask if I can go to starbucks for coffee on tuesday... or maybe they have it at the theater...?
I've gotta figure this out, TTYL!
I'm busy busy busy.
Tomorrow I'm going to the twins game for a while.
Monday the carpet cleaner is coming so I need to get up early and go downstairs before I can do anything.
Tuesday BB is coming over and then we're going to Harry Potter at midnight with Rae and Bethy, Cassi and Nicki are prolly meeting us there, and Kay and Terra are going to the same theater so we'll prolly see them, too.
Wednesday we may just sleep for a while since we'll be up pretty late on tuesday.
I'm going to ask if I can go to starbucks for coffee on tuesday... or maybe they have it at the theater...?
I've gotta figure this out, TTYL!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
New Vlog, redone!
Yay! Got it finished! Sound actually works today! Hoorah!
I've got some script memorizing to do, TTYL!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
New Vlog for my 150th post!
New vlog is coming soon. Was supposed to happen today, but the microphone on my laptop failed.
In other news: It's my 150th post!!! Celebration time! *dances around with streamers and balloons flying everywhere*
That's really all for now,
In other news: It's my 150th post!!! Celebration time! *dances around with streamers and balloons flying everywhere*
That's really all for now,
Friday, July 3, 2009
Mini Blog: 4th of July!
I really don't know what I'm doing. I just wanted to say happy 4th of July to everyone because I probably won't be posting tomorrow! HAPPY 4TH!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Mini Blog: Book Club and Special-ness.
I really should be reading for my book club, but I wanted everyone to know it's my 148th post today! Yay! (I'm still in shock about the whole I've been writing this for an entire year thing.)
I'm trying to think of something special for my 200th post, but I haven't come up with anything yet. If you have any ideas feel free to comment on my post about them.
I've got reading to do, TTYL!
I'm trying to think of something special for my 200th post, but I haven't come up with anything yet. If you have any ideas feel free to comment on my post about them.
I've got reading to do, TTYL!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Mini Blog: Book Club
I really need to read these two books for this book club I've joined, but I'm being really lazy. Part of that could be that it's summer and another part could be that I woke up at 10:00 today, but I don't know.
In other Haley news, I hung out with my friends Bethy, Mikey, and Michael today. That was awesome. We played apples to apples and went online for a while. It was great! Unfortunately I didn't get to watch the anime movie princess mononoke or the movie monty python and the holy grail while I was there, but still a very good visit.
That's really all that I've been up to, lately. I guess I'll talk more tomorrow... maybe.
In other Haley news, I hung out with my friends Bethy, Mikey, and Michael today. That was awesome. We played apples to apples and went online for a while. It was great! Unfortunately I didn't get to watch the anime movie princess mononoke or the movie monty python and the holy grail while I was there, but still a very good visit.
That's really all that I've been up to, lately. I guess I'll talk more tomorrow... maybe.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Mini Blog: Productivity Levels, Declining
It's summer. BB is over. Productivity levels have been rapidly declining ever since Friday of last week. This is... AWESOME! I love summer, aside from winter break- because I'm a cold weather kinda person- this is my favorite time of year!
I'm thinking about hanging out with Bethy tomorrow. We'll see how that works out, though.
I've got Youtube account settings to update, so TTYL!
I'm thinking about hanging out with Bethy tomorrow. We'll see how that works out, though.
I've got Youtube account settings to update, so TTYL!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Mini Blog: Foamy the Squirrel!
Am I doing anything productive in society? No! I'm watching Foamy the Squirrel!
I did do some productive stuff earlier... S.O.S. was interesting. Helped some dogs by making fleece dog beds. Helped the janitor at Northrop do some yard work. Blah blah blah productivity.
After the yard work we played dodge ball. At that point the productivity disappeared never to be seen... until tomorrow, when we rake another lawn for sodding.
BB is coming over next week and I'm sure the productivity levels will have all together disappeared by then.
Time for dinner,
I did do some productive stuff earlier... S.O.S. was interesting. Helped some dogs by making fleece dog beds. Helped the janitor at Northrop do some yard work. Blah blah blah productivity.
After the yard work we played dodge ball. At that point the productivity disappeared never to be seen... until tomorrow, when we rake another lawn for sodding.
BB is coming over next week and I'm sure the productivity levels will have all together disappeared by then.
Time for dinner,
Monday, June 22, 2009
Mini Blog: It's HOT!
It's 93 degrees in Minnesota. MINNESOTA! I'M TELLING YOU THIS IS CRAZY! Seriously. I know that a lot of southern places- like Texas, where my cousins live- are a lot warmer. This is Minnesota, though. It's not supposed to be this HOT.
I'm still at SOS this week and I pray it cools down by tomorrow because I really don't want to be doing huge amounts of manual labor outside in this heat. I will have to bring a water bottle.
Other than this there's really nothing I need to say. Or want to say. On days like this I kinda just want to stay inside with my air conditioning and a fan blowing in my face.
I'm still at SOS this week and I pray it cools down by tomorrow because I really don't want to be doing huge amounts of manual labor outside in this heat. I will have to bring a water bottle.
Other than this there's really nothing I need to say. Or want to say. On days like this I kinda just want to stay inside with my air conditioning and a fan blowing in my face.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Desks, S.O.S, and Parades
I made a post a REALLY long time ago that I would post a picture of how messy my desk is. Well I've finally taken the picture! I said I would put it on that post, but I decided to put it on this one as to be more recent. I just need to edit the picture. EDIT: Picture edited and posted below. Please click on the picture to view the whole thing.

The problem with editing it promptly is: I'm at summer of service this week and next. I'll be helping out the community, so if you're part of my community you may see me! ^-^
Schedule for S.O.S. (Team 8)
Monday (e.g. yesterday)
Team Building/Orientation in the morning
RNeigbors Float in the afternoon(in the Rochesterfest parade)- description of event after schedule
Tuesday (e.g. today)
Planning of Team Project & Advertisement of Team Project- we're doing a movie for S.O.S.-ers!
Salvation Army Adult Day Center- Hanging out with the elderly, playing games and making crafts
Fleece 4 Kids- making fleece blankets!
Season's Hospice- Yard work
Picnic! Yay!
Feed My Starving Children- Packing food in Eagan
Friday fun day! (Bounce world & a movie)
(Next Week)
Channel 1- different food related event every time!
Friendship Place- Reading with kids
Habitat for Humanity- building all day!
"Get Smart" Parent training- Childcare for parents while they take the class
Team Project- hanging out because we're doing our team project during lunch
Habitat for Humanity- building all day, again!
Friday fun day! (trip to MOA)
I'm really excited for the Rochester-fest Parade coming on the 26th! My mom is walking in it and I made part of one of the floats in S.O.S. yesterday! It was a building made out of a box, I don't know what they need all of these buildings for, but it was fun.
That's really all for now,
The problem with editing it promptly is: I'm at summer of service this week and next. I'll be helping out the community, so if you're part of my community you may see me! ^-^
Schedule for S.O.S. (Team 8)
Monday (e.g. yesterday)
Team Building/Orientation in the morning
RNeigbors Float in the afternoon(in the Rochesterfest parade)- description of event after schedule
Tuesday (e.g. today)
Planning of Team Project & Advertisement of Team Project- we're doing a movie for S.O.S.-ers!
Salvation Army Adult Day Center- Hanging out with the elderly, playing games and making crafts
Fleece 4 Kids- making fleece blankets!
Season's Hospice- Yard work
Picnic! Yay!
Feed My Starving Children- Packing food in Eagan
Friday fun day! (Bounce world & a movie)
(Next Week)
Channel 1- different food related event every time!
Friendship Place- Reading with kids
Habitat for Humanity- building all day!
"Get Smart" Parent training- Childcare for parents while they take the class
Team Project- hanging out because we're doing our team project during lunch
Habitat for Humanity- building all day, again!
Friday fun day! (trip to MOA)
I'm really excited for the Rochester-fest Parade coming on the 26th! My mom is walking in it and I made part of one of the floats in S.O.S. yesterday! It was a building made out of a box, I don't know what they need all of these buildings for, but it was fun.
That's really all for now,
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Mini Blog: Summer!
Summer started a couple of days ago, so this blog is not going to be an enthusiastic cheer for the end of a school year. Instead it is going to be a sleep-deprived yet slightly less grumpy than if I were writing on another topic "...whoopee..."
BB stayed over last night and thus I am tired. Summer is for relaxing. So why am I so busy?
Sunday I am doing a course at eagle bluff with my church.
SOS starts on Monday and that goes on for 2 weeks.
Then I have about 3 weeks off so I'll probably get some driving hours done.
After that I have a week-long class through the U of M on web design.
Then I have church camp for a week.
By this time I'm already into August! What am I doing scheduling all of this stuff when I should be relaxing? Good Lord! What was I thinking?!?
Alright, panic over. Now I'm going to try and relax for the 2 more days of freedom I've got.
This said, wish me luck on finding time to blog...
BB stayed over last night and thus I am tired. Summer is for relaxing. So why am I so busy?
Sunday I am doing a course at eagle bluff with my church.
SOS starts on Monday and that goes on for 2 weeks.
Then I have about 3 weeks off so I'll probably get some driving hours done.
After that I have a week-long class through the U of M on web design.
Then I have church camp for a week.
By this time I'm already into August! What am I doing scheduling all of this stuff when I should be relaxing? Good Lord! What was I thinking?!?
Alright, panic over. Now I'm going to try and relax for the 2 more days of freedom I've got.
This said, wish me luck on finding time to blog...
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
It's that time of year again!
No, I'm not talking about the holidays- unfortunately. I'm talking about what every teenager just LOVES to do. FINALS! *screaming noise in the background*
This basically means I will not be blogging for quite some time. Whether it is because of studying or because I'm taking the finals themselves, it doesn't matter. (Not that it makes much of a difference, I don't blog much anyway)
Here's my finals schedule OF DOOM.
American Studies History
American Studies English
Open Hour
Open Hour
Then I'm done until Junior year! Hoorah! euge! (Latin for hoorah!)
I should probably go study now, but I'll just end up back on the internet eventually.
This basically means I will not be blogging for quite some time. Whether it is because of studying or because I'm taking the finals themselves, it doesn't matter. (Not that it makes much of a difference, I don't blog much anyway)
Here's my finals schedule OF DOOM.
American Studies History
American Studies English
Open Hour
Open Hour
Then I'm done until Junior year! Hoorah! euge! (Latin for hoorah!)
I should probably go study now, but I'll just end up back on the internet eventually.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Mini Blog: Blog additions
I added some new widgets on the bottom of the page I think you'll like! However, I have a paper to consider writing so I cannot post for very long. Ave Atque Vale, omnes. (That's Latin for 'Hail and Farewell, all'- see, I have learned something!)
Ta ta for now,
Ta ta for now,
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Holy Flying Monkeys!
That's right I said "Holy Flying Monkeys!" I cannot believe my birthday is tomorrow. I'll be 16. Already. zOMG!
O.k, now that the miniature freak-out is over I can tell you about it. I already got a ton of my presents from my family so I kinda already knew I was getting there, but seriously! I cannot believe it's been another year! I'm the youngest amongst my friends and I'm kinda used to saying I'm still 15. So now that I'm almost not... It's a little weird.
So tomorrow for my birthday I'm heading to Night at the Museum 2 with a ton of people. It'll be great... I think.
Last year around this time (zOMG! I've been doing this blog for a whole year?!?) I posted a list of presents, so here's what I've gotten so far:
-Class ring, not actually here yet.
-a bike, brought into town by my uncle the bike expert and paid for by the 'rents
-Money from another uncle
-Money from the grand 'rents on my dad's side
-a call from my aunt saying the card is coming but it's a holiday weekend so it prolly (that's her word for probably) won't be here in time, so who knows whether I got any money or not
-an old navy gift card from the relatives (aunt, uncle, 3 cousins) in Texas
That's it so far. Though, BB said she was bringing over some presents (other than the gerbils she gave me 2 months ago.) I may get more at the movie tomorrow, too.
BB and I are going to have cake in the shape of a puppy for my birthday tomorrow, and on Monday after BB leaves I'm having pie of some sort at my grandparents.
I'm actually pretty notorious amongst my family for celebrating my birthday for an entire month, so this year I'm hoping to scale it down to this weekend. But I think my artsy friends want to draw me something for my b-day to give to me at school on Tuesday so... we'll see how that turns out.
Last year I got REALLY sick of cake for my month long b-day,
O.k, now that the miniature freak-out is over I can tell you about it. I already got a ton of my presents from my family so I kinda already knew I was getting there, but seriously! I cannot believe it's been another year! I'm the youngest amongst my friends and I'm kinda used to saying I'm still 15. So now that I'm almost not... It's a little weird.
So tomorrow for my birthday I'm heading to Night at the Museum 2 with a ton of people. It'll be great... I think.
Last year around this time (zOMG! I've been doing this blog for a whole year?!?) I posted a list of presents, so here's what I've gotten so far:
-Class ring, not actually here yet.
-a bike, brought into town by my uncle the bike expert and paid for by the 'rents
-Money from another uncle
-Money from the grand 'rents on my dad's side
-a call from my aunt saying the card is coming but it's a holiday weekend so it prolly (that's her word for probably) won't be here in time, so who knows whether I got any money or not
-an old navy gift card from the relatives (aunt, uncle, 3 cousins) in Texas
That's it so far. Though, BB said she was bringing over some presents (other than the gerbils she gave me 2 months ago.) I may get more at the movie tomorrow, too.
BB and I are going to have cake in the shape of a puppy for my birthday tomorrow, and on Monday after BB leaves I'm having pie of some sort at my grandparents.
I'm actually pretty notorious amongst my family for celebrating my birthday for an entire month, so this year I'm hoping to scale it down to this weekend. But I think my artsy friends want to draw me something for my b-day to give to me at school on Tuesday so... we'll see how that turns out.
Last year I got REALLY sick of cake for my month long b-day,
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mini blog: Facebook!
I've added a little facebook widget at the bottom of this page! Yay, facebook addiction!
Anyway, just here to tell you I'm tired because I took the history AP test on friday for 3 hours and yesterday I went to my grandparents in Owatonna for quite some time so today I am sleepy and online! That's a good combo, isn't it?
I plan on updating my books list soon. It's on my giant never ending to do list. So it will happen eventually, just like that picture of my horribly messy desk I've been planning on putting up for quite some time...
Anyway, just here to tell you I'm tired because I took the history AP test on friday for 3 hours and yesterday I went to my grandparents in Owatonna for quite some time so today I am sleepy and online! That's a good combo, isn't it?
I plan on updating my books list soon. It's on my giant never ending to do list. So it will happen eventually, just like that picture of my horribly messy desk I've been planning on putting up for quite some time...
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Grape Soda Addiction
I have a serious addiction to grape soda. I don't know why it's this particular soda flavor or why it isn't some caffeinated beverage I could mention... On a side note Mt. Dew is an addiction for me strictly during drama season unless I've stayed up until 2 in the morning and need to wake up at 5... So, yes, I really need grape soda. At all times. Including now.
Random Haley Fact of the Day: I duct taped balloons to the walls of my Latin teacher's wall today. It was fun! She stepped out for a minute and poof balloons all over the walls.
I suspiciously have balloons in my backpack from an earlier balloon incident with my history teacher from last semester and also from an incident with a certain person's birthday-themed locker.
Right now I'm actually kind-of annoyed because facebook isn't working for me right now, and if you've read my previous blogs you'll know that I also have a serious facebook addiction. Just a small one, it used to be myspace but that has kind-of gone downhill.
Oh fun random tangent ahead! I didn't upload a lot of the videos from anime detour yet even though I was going to do that last week... not good. I don't want to become the procrastinator from those old 'All That' skits. I'll put them up on youtube, EVENTUALLY! Which reminds me, I still need to put up that photo of my desk. I'll do it, EVENTUALLY!
See, don't say that TV never helped anyone.
Well, anyway, I've got a completely-unrelated-to-the-balloon-incident Latin test to study for, so... See ya!
Random Haley Fact of the Day: I duct taped balloons to the walls of my Latin teacher's wall today. It was fun! She stepped out for a minute and poof balloons all over the walls.
I suspiciously have balloons in my backpack from an earlier balloon incident with my history teacher from last semester and also from an incident with a certain person's birthday-themed locker.
Right now I'm actually kind-of annoyed because facebook isn't working for me right now, and if you've read my previous blogs you'll know that I also have a serious facebook addiction. Just a small one, it used to be myspace but that has kind-of gone downhill.
Oh fun random tangent ahead! I didn't upload a lot of the videos from anime detour yet even though I was going to do that last week... not good. I don't want to become the procrastinator from those old 'All That' skits. I'll put them up on youtube, EVENTUALLY! Which reminds me, I still need to put up that photo of my desk. I'll do it, EVENTUALLY!
See, don't say that TV never helped anyone.
Well, anyway, I've got a completely-unrelated-to-the-balloon-incident Latin test to study for, so... See ya!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Mini Blog: Popcorn
I'm really hungry for popcorn right now, so I decided to use it as a title.
Anyway, I'm being lazy today and not posting any new videos from anime detour. You see, my camera is in the computer room and I am in the living room, hence lazy.
I'm also being lazy and not posting much on the blog, hence "mini blog."
Yep, gotta go.
Anyway, I'm being lazy today and not posting any new videos from anime detour. You see, my camera is in the computer room and I am in the living room, hence lazy.
I'm also being lazy and not posting much on the blog, hence "mini blog."
Yep, gotta go.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Cosplay Skits from Anime Detour
I've got a couple of the skits done, so here's the first one: Naruto Psychiatricks
Axe Spray:
Axe Spray:
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Home Sick, Yay?
I was home sick today. Took a nap. Whoop-di-dingle-do.
On the bright side, I finally got the anime detour awards ceremony video finished, which is awesome! Yippee!
Here it is, the awards ceremony!
On the bright side, I finally got the anime detour awards ceremony video finished, which is awesome! Yippee!
Here it is, the awards ceremony!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
I'm sleepy. I really have nothing else to post. I need to post that video, don't I? I'll do that in a bit...
Edit: Here is one video of the pictures!
Double edit: There was a problem with the music on the one above, but it's all fixed now!
Here is another one of us waiting in line!
And Finally The Cosplay Competitions!
Double Edit: The one above (the actual contest) was too long and will be edited and posted no later than a week from now, sorry for the delay!
The Final Winners Will Be Poted Next Blog
Edit: Here is one video of the pictures!
Double edit: There was a problem with the music on the one above, but it's all fixed now!
Here is another one of us waiting in line!
And Finally The Cosplay Competitions!
Double Edit: The one above (the actual contest) was too long and will be edited and posted no later than a week from now, sorry for the delay!
The Final Winners Will Be Poted Next Blog
Monday, April 6, 2009
Mini Blog: Spring Break is over, but I'm Here!
It's over for us in rochester, sadly, but I'm alive and ticking. I'm very awake because I got more sleep last night than I did as a whole over the 3 days of anime detour.
I will be posting a video about my anime detour adventures soon. Hopefully I will get it up more readily than the picture I was going to post of my "office area..."
I will be posting a video about my anime detour adventures soon. Hopefully I will get it up more readily than the picture I was going to post of my "office area..."
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Mini blog: 130th post!
Yes, you saw right. It's my 130th post! I NEVER thought I would be able to do this for that long. I am amazed!
Anyway, leaving for anime detour with a couple of friends tomorrow. Thought I'd let you know.
Yeah, that's what I'm doing for now, so... there you go! All updates done. I'm very distracted right now... sorry.
I'm going to go,
Anyway, leaving for anime detour with a couple of friends tomorrow. Thought I'd let you know.
Yeah, that's what I'm doing for now, so... there you go! All updates done. I'm very distracted right now... sorry.
I'm going to go,
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Mini Blog: Spring Break and Video Updates!
It's spring break! May be able to blog fully now! Hoorah!
Wanted to keep everyone in blogworld updated too, so here are some recent youtube vids:
Vlog updates!
Anime Adventure Preview!
Wanted to keep everyone in blogworld updated too, so here are some recent youtube vids:
Vlog updates!
Anime Adventure Preview!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
I finally updated my picture!
A while ago (approx. 2 months... maybe?) I got a hair cut and gave it to locks for love. I told you guys that I would add a new picture of myself and... well, guess what? I've finally done it! Now all I need to do is get that picture of my desk labeled and I'll be finished I think. There was something else, like a countdown to breaking dawn that quit working or something... but that's out now, so I'm not going to worry about that.
I also never finished updating my website, either. I really need to find a new layout for that. That was the whole reason I couldn't blog last time and I didn't even get done. *sigh* Oh well.
A friend of mine, Rae, is having a birthday party, even though her birthday was on the 7th. We had the musical to do tech for at that time, though... so now we're having the party. I would be sleeping over but the pancake breakfast at church is tomorrow, so I'm leaving at 10:00.
i got her beef jerky for her birthday, like I do every year. She is very obsessed with teriyaki beef jerky. Yes, my friends are insane.
Also, I'm not sure if I've said this on here already or not, but I'm going to be in another online video, which will be filmed over the summer. Cassi assures me that the writing for this anime adventure is going well, so here's hoping!
Thanks everyone!
I also never finished updating my website, either. I really need to find a new layout for that. That was the whole reason I couldn't blog last time and I didn't even get done. *sigh* Oh well.
A friend of mine, Rae, is having a birthday party, even though her birthday was on the 7th. We had the musical to do tech for at that time, though... so now we're having the party. I would be sleeping over but the pancake breakfast at church is tomorrow, so I'm leaving at 10:00.
i got her beef jerky for her birthday, like I do every year. She is very obsessed with teriyaki beef jerky. Yes, my friends are insane.
Also, I'm not sure if I've said this on here already or not, but I'm going to be in another online video, which will be filmed over the summer. Cassi assures me that the writing for this anime adventure is going well, so here's hoping!
Thanks everyone!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Mini Blog: updates
I am currently updating my old website, which means I am not busy doing homework... which means I should be typing stuff here. However this is still a mini blog because the site needs an update checker more than the blog does.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Mini Blog: sick...
I've been sick for the past few days and have to catch up on homework. After I'm don with that I'm sure I will post something much more interesting.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Mini blog: It's over :(
Drama club has ended once again this year. I'm still in a depressed mood which is not helping my "get your homework done" attitude. On the bright side all of you twitter users will be excited that I have joined and am right here! Yay? That is not a word I understand at the moment. Yay does not compute! Self destructing in 5...
Bye! ~Haley
Bye! ~Haley
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Mini Blog: No time.
Sorry. As you know I have no time to do this as I am supposed to be doing homework and drama club stuff, but here I am.
I really should be doing amstuds, but you know how that goes I'm sure.
I'm just here to let you know that some friends and I will be getting together over the summer to do some skits that my twinnie, cassi, created. (Not actually related, btw, we just look alike) I know summer is far away, but it'll be on youtube- thus it will be posted here when it is finished. Thanks much!
I really should be doing amstuds, but you know how that goes I'm sure.
I'm just here to let you know that some friends and I will be getting together over the summer to do some skits that my twinnie, cassi, created. (Not actually related, btw, we just look alike) I know summer is far away, but it'll be on youtube- thus it will be posted here when it is finished. Thanks much!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Mini Blog: Another Comment!
Di Immortales! (Heavens above in Latin- see I learn things!) It is a good day because I got another comment on my blog! Thanks much to Carmen!
Anyway, I got home early from drama because of "spartan night." Basically all of the schools clubs show of their skills to the incoming freshmen. I'm off the hook for now...
I still have to eat, though. Now, actually, is dinner time. So I'm sorry but I've gotta go.
Anyway, I got home early from drama because of "spartan night." Basically all of the schools clubs show of their skills to the incoming freshmen. I'm off the hook for now...
I still have to eat, though. Now, actually, is dinner time. So I'm sorry but I've gotta go.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Mini Blog: Naked Juice
I really like Naked Juice... and girl scout cookies... and fruit roll ups. All of which I have just finished having.
I really wish I could blog more, however I'm trying to gain some sleep as Hockey has just ended and the tech-drama season begins. Hockey ended yesterday as we lost the section finals and tech rehersal starts this coming week. God, I can't wait for this awesomeness!
I really wish I could blog more, however I'm trying to gain some sleep as Hockey has just ended and the tech-drama season begins. Hockey ended yesterday as we lost the section finals and tech rehersal starts this coming week. God, I can't wait for this awesomeness!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Mini Blog: Iced Tea
I've never said this before, but I'm in love with iced tea. It keeps me alive, practically.
I've got homework and junk to do, so I can't make this a full blog. I just wanted to say I'm here, I like iced tea, and I've gotta go.
I've got homework and junk to do, so I can't make this a full blog. I just wanted to say I'm here, I like iced tea, and I've gotta go.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Mini Blog: same old, same old.
I'm here. I'm doing Latin homework. I know I need to stop using that as an excuse. I gotta go.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Mini Blog: super bowl.
Yeah, I'm watching the super bowl... now normally you wouldn't catch me within 5 miles of a TV with a football game on. Honestly, I'm not interested in the football game on right now anyway, but I AM interested in the commercials. So, here I am, on my laptop during the game, watching tv for the commercials.
Yay for my american-ism!
Yay for my american-ism!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Mini Blog: Amstuds
I am doing my american studies outline. I need to get back to work.
P.S. I probably will not be going to blogline frequently, I just wanted you to know it was there. You know, just in case.
P.S. I probably will not be going to blogline frequently, I just wanted you to know it was there. You know, just in case.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Mini Blog: I'm somewhat alive...
... and I've got pringles.
I don't know what else to say.
I'm busy so I'll have to make this short. Random Fact: I need a new profile picture because I got a haircut and my hair is much shorter!
That's all for now.
I don't know what else to say.
I'm busy so I'll have to make this short. Random Fact: I need a new profile picture because I got a haircut and my hair is much shorter!
That's all for now.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Mini Blog: "studying for finals," riiiiiight.
I'm not. Everyone knows I'm not. Everyone knows I should. But, I'm not.
I'm just procrastinating. Per usual.
I should go "study" some more, and by that I mean play kitten cannon and/or pokemon.
I'm just procrastinating. Per usual.
I should go "study" some more, and by that I mean play kitten cannon and/or pokemon.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Snow Day!
It's a snow day today and tomorrow! (which amounts to a 5 day weekend) Now, normally this would be good news -and it is somewhat ok news- but finals are coming next week. Now you're saying, but now you have more time to study! This is true, however the materials needed for studying are mostly at school, so...
Side effects of snowday:
1. I spent quite a few hours this morning -well, from 10:30 when I woke up- trying to fix my computer so I could download a study guide for my english class
2. after downloading said study guide -finally- and working on it and a bit of history I realized that those are my last finals and that I should concentrate on my first finals. Chemistry is actually first, but I have an A in it and completely understand all of the review we got and finished. Latin, all materials of which happen to be at school, is a different story.
3. after panicing about Latin for a while I realized my Latin textbook was online so now all I needed to study were the noun charts and verb conjugations and participles and... then I paniced some more.
4. after panicing I ate lunch, ravioli and a grape soda
5. after lunch I did some more history and got pissed at my computer for being suckish and played pokemon on my DS
6. at 5 o'clock I fed my dogs and thought my day was pretty much toast.
7. I had a dinner consisting of waffle fries, ketchup, and a diet sierra mist.
8. then I came online to see my finals schedule had changed so that 4 finals are wednesday and 4 are on thursday.
9. this made me panic more because I had lost all hope of studying Latin earlier, but now I only have a day to do it!
10. then I realized that I have the extra time of gym class and lunch to study too. (about 2 hours more than I thought)
11. Now I'm just praying to God that I do well.
So, here is my finals schedule now:
(study hall open hour)
(normal lunch open hour)
American studies english
american studies history
and this is me, on blogger, when I should be doing something productive with my time.
The good news is that my computer is no longer suckish and that I have my first full blog in a really long time! Yay, snow day!
Side effects of snowday:
1. I spent quite a few hours this morning -well, from 10:30 when I woke up- trying to fix my computer so I could download a study guide for my english class
2. after downloading said study guide -finally- and working on it and a bit of history I realized that those are my last finals and that I should concentrate on my first finals. Chemistry is actually first, but I have an A in it and completely understand all of the review we got and finished. Latin, all materials of which happen to be at school, is a different story.
3. after panicing about Latin for a while I realized my Latin textbook was online so now all I needed to study were the noun charts and verb conjugations and participles and... then I paniced some more.
4. after panicing I ate lunch, ravioli and a grape soda
5. after lunch I did some more history and got pissed at my computer for being suckish and played pokemon on my DS
6. at 5 o'clock I fed my dogs and thought my day was pretty much toast.
7. I had a dinner consisting of waffle fries, ketchup, and a diet sierra mist.
8. then I came online to see my finals schedule had changed so that 4 finals are wednesday and 4 are on thursday.
9. this made me panic more because I had lost all hope of studying Latin earlier, but now I only have a day to do it!
10. then I realized that I have the extra time of gym class and lunch to study too. (about 2 hours more than I thought)
11. Now I'm just praying to God that I do well.
So, here is my finals schedule now:
(study hall open hour)
(normal lunch open hour)
American studies english
american studies history
and this is me, on blogger, when I should be doing something productive with my time.
The good news is that my computer is no longer suckish and that I have my first full blog in a really long time! Yay, snow day!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Mini Blog: blogging
I'm not sure how this title came around, but it sounded nice... so there it is. It has basically nothing to do with this post except for the fact that I am blogging.
I just got back from hockey. We won 6 to 2. Yippee.
I need some sleep before class tomorrow, maybe I'll be more energetic then.
I just got back from hockey. We won 6 to 2. Yippee.
I need some sleep before class tomorrow, maybe I'll be more energetic then.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Mini Blog: I have returned
I'm back. I have to do homework. I'm listening to my new ipod. Shocker, I know.
I'll post something interesting here eventually. I hope.
I'll post something interesting here eventually. I hope.
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